• < CHAPTER TWO > • ( editing )

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That's not what I really meant because even though I was homeschooled, I still go out with my friends. I started hanging out with them at the age of 13. So everywhere I go, people recognize me as, you already know who. And they give me their looks of hatred and all I can do is lower my head in shame.

I tried to be nice. Tried to talk to other people and be myself, but it just didn't work out for me. They keep ignoring me and giving me horrid looks. That's when I gave up being nice to them and just felt like I wanted to disappear from the world. I felt like nobody ever wanted me. Nobody ever wanted to talk to me. Even my father doesn't talk to me and I sometimes hope that he will call but then I gave up hoping. I sometimes think to myself that he has forgotten he has a son. The only people I talk to are my mom, uncle and my friends.

I finally woke up from my train of thought when I heard a loud grumble. Putting a hand on my stomach, I felt very hungry from all that thinking.

Standing up from my bed, opening my door, I walked my way into the kitchen. By the way, my mom and I lived in a small apartment in the city. So we don't have upstairs or downstairs, my room is next to my mom's room and the bathroom is a little close to my bedroom. We have a small laundry area, the kitchen is connected to the dining area and living room. It doesn't look much, but it's home.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw a note stuck on the refrigerator. Taking it out, I began to read. This is what the note says:


I'm sorry for leaving you here alone but I had to leave early for work today. Don't worry about cooking breakfast, I've already made some. I cooked you some crispy bacon and scrambled eggs, just the way you liked them. They're there at the table. You'll find a plate sitting on the table with another plate on top for cover.

I've also packed your lunch for school. If you open the fridge, you'll find a small tray of sushi. I'm the one who made them last night of course.

And don't even think about not going out on your first day, I messaged Kai to pick you up, that way you two can take the bus to Ninjago High.

For your dinner, I might be home late and won't be there to have dinner with you so I left some money on the top fridge. It'll be enough for you to buy some food outside.

And don't forget, just be yourself and if ever your dad attacks the city again today, just remember to duck and cover and let the secret ninjas do the job till it's all clear. Have a great first day at school honey!

Love mom

Reading my mom's note brought a big smile on my face but as I kept on reading, my smile faded.

Why on earth did she have to message Kai to pick me up?!

I sighed because I know I don't have a choice but to go with Kai today. My hunger then reminded me that I needed to eat. I move a little forward to the dining table and leaned down to take the top cover off. As I took the cover off, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted inside my nose. I sniffed the delicious smell and my mouth began to water. I sat down, using the cover plate as my dish, I grabbed some utensils and picked my food. Putting the fork in my mouth, I munched the bacon and eggs. It was good!

A few minutes has passed, I heard a knock on the door. Man, that's probably Kai. How did he even get here so fast? Did he flew or what? Pushing my chair back, I went to answer the door and sure enough, it was my best bud, Kai Smith.

He was wearing pants and a red jacket with a white shirt under it. He had a giant grin on his face as soon as he saw me and immediately pulled me in a super tight hug. I almost choked the food that I was still munching on.

An Odd Encounter | A Ninjago Movie Fanfiction  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora