The Book

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Damian doesnt know how long hes been sat on this chair angerly staring at the very source of his problems, 

That Book.

Its the source of all his suffering and the torture that he no longer wants to endure. How does he come back from the moral conflict?

He would never lower himself to beg but here he is.

"Please, I cant do it anymore!" Damian shouted

"Lena and her Fucking bedtime stories!" He Blurted out As he spoke from his core "Ive read this three hundred and fifty three times, And Yes I count!"

"Watch Language BatBrat" Tim says sitting as far away from Damian as he can for obvious reasons.

"Fuck off Drake!" Damian snarls at Tim before turning his attention back to the source of his weakness, his pity and love for affection.


"Thank you Tim," Dick turned his attention back to Damian "and Damian, We've all read this over three hundred times, We take turns remember?" Dick sighed,

Hes already sick of this routine.

"No, Im Not going to Give in to this Torture! I am Damian Al Ghul Wayne! You've got me fucked if you think Im reading "The Prettiest Pot" Again! Not If I have anything to do about it!" Damian Announced dramatically and loudly with pride.

"Again, Watch the language!" Tim shouted.

Damian flips Tim off before looking back to Dick.

Dick is too tired to care, Hes put up with all of his sibblings for endless years and right now he cant function with 4 hours of sleep he managed to get for the entire week.

"Please? Do this for me Babybat. Just this once?" Dick asks with THOSE EYES.

The ones that Damian cant say No to.

"Fine" Damian murmurs, So much for his big speech.

"I Guess we did have you fucked" Steph smirks. 

Damian looks at her with such anger you wouldnt think its humanly possible. The second that Tim stiffled his laughter Damian snapped ridgid. Im saying this one more time, So much for controling his anger.

Steph knows exactly whats coming, It involves Damian swinging his sword at her with a ton of violence, and she does not regret saying that line one bit.

5 Minutes Later Here Dick is standing in the middle of what may sound like a battlefield but really is his life.

20 Minutes later and here Damian is with a slight pout on his face marching up the stairs with a book labeled "The Prettiest Pot" in his hand.

He reached Helenas room and opened the door to reveal her Laying in her bed with the lamp beside her turned on.

Damian left the door ajar before grabbing a chair from the corner of the room and placing it infront of her.

"Hi Dami" Helena said with a bright smile on her face.

"Lena" Damian Nodded.

He took a seat on the pink colored chair and opened the book. He took a deep breath in as if it would erase what had just happened in the last 20 minutes. 

He may have been left unscathed, and he cant say the same about Drake and Brown. But hes suffering a tragety worse then injuries, Hes reading The Prettiest Pot

"Once upon a time, there was a humble pot named Patty. Her color was dull and she lived among many colorful pots in a pottery shop" Damian read keeping a steady gaze on Lena who seemed eager "Patty  wasn't the largest or the most vibrant pot In the shop, but she had a heart full of dreams." 

"Her greatest wish was to be the Prettiest Pot" Damian could of swore Lena was already yawning 3 lines in "Patty would observe other pots with their extravagant designs and beautiful colors. She wished she could be as eye-catching as them"

"One day a Pot designer saw Patty and gave her a makeover. Now Patty was finally the prettiest pot in the pottery shop. The End" Damian shut the book and slid onto the shelf. 

He stood up and switched off the bright lamp "Goodnight Lena" Damian Slightly smiled watching his little sister drift to sleep.

Okay maybe reading The Prettiest Pot wasnt as bad as he made it look


Hi! Im back

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