"This is?" He gestured to Milo. "This is Milo." I introduced him.

"Oh. Hi Milo. I'm Blake." He took out his hand to shake. Milo was first reluctant to shake his hand, but he did this nonetheless.

"I like him. He's betted than Matteo." Milo smiled.

"And you think Matteo would like to hear that?" I asked as I held in a chuckle.

"I don't care. I see a future with this guy." Milo dramatically made a hand gesture that says, 'Picture this'. Blake gave him a smile and winked. I don't know what that wink was all about.

"Come on. We gotta go see Miley." I stood up.

I went closer to Blake. "Be careful. I feel like someone's watching us." I said to Blake, and he nodded.

I checked my phone to see that Matteo blew up my phone with text messages. I guess we spent a lot more time at the park. We walked back to the hospital.

Matteo was waiting by the door, folding his hands and tapping his foot impatiently. I quickly ran to him.

"How is she?" I asked skeptically as I looked at him directly in the eyes.

"She's okay. She's awake. I work pretty fast." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. I'm so glad. I can't believe Matteo did it.

"Her hair is gonna shed out, though, but it might be able to grow back. I've killed most of her cancer cells, but I didn't see other cells because they were too microscopic for me to identify." He took off his blue plastic gloves. I nodded in understanding as he continued talking. He looked so cute with the doctor look. Doctor De Luca.

"Can we see her?" I asked nervously, hoping that I could. "Yeah." Matteo said and led Milo, and I thought the passage in the room she was being held.

"You never told me. How did you convince them to do the surgery for Miley to undergo chemo?" I asked inquisitively.

"Don't worry about it." He dismissed the topic as he opened the door. Oh now I have to worry. The angel was awake, and color was returning to her skin.

"Hi baby." I said in a sweet voice.

Matteo's P.O.V
I wished to call me that. I would do anything for this girl. Even if it means that I have to perform surgery for a kid I barely know. I can see that she loves children very much.

"Thank you, sir, for fixing me." The girl said, and I slightly cracked a smile. "You're welcome, little girl." I said, and Kyla was surprised, but she masked her face into a sweet one for Miley. "How come you're nice to her and not me?" Milo pouted and Matteo gave him a small chuckle.

"Simple. She's a girl and you're a boy." I gave him the cutest smile even though it was malicious.

"Kyla. Please come back soon and tell Willow, Willow to visit." She smiled, and Kyla was reluctant to leave, but she had to come back. Come back to me.

"I will, sweetie. Even if it is the last thing I do." She muttered that last part under her breath.

The ragazzino looked sad because Kyla was leaving. Kyla also looked reluctant to leave.

"Matteo. Can we go to one more stop and can we take her with it?" She gestured to Miley. "I don't know. She might look like she has energy, but they still need to keep her here for observation." I said, and Kyla frowned.

"Okay. Let's just stop at a shop with Milo so I could buy him a little something." Kyla whispered, and I nodded.

"Okay. I'm done." Kyla carried three shopping bags and two huge teddy bears in her hands. "Was that really necessary." I pointed towards the teddy bears.

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