The Transformation 

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I woke up with a loud bang. I got out of bed and and unlocked the door. I looked outside someone was by the at the stairs. "Um what happened?" "-s-s-she fell..." I run up to her. "Omg I'm so sorry." "it's fine she was twitching." "um ok but let's get food." "ok." We start walking. "So um my name is Emma, what's ur name?" "It's Maddie." "Nice name." We sat down. "Thank you." We had eggs for breakfast and we then had to go to the pear tree, to meditate.When I walked in there was those pears for before! Nurse: "ok everyone take a pear from THIS tree, if u took one from outside don't eat it, there exotic!" OH SHOOT I ATE ONE BEFORE THIS! I ran straight to the nurse and told her I need holy water and quickly. "Nurse Nurse!" I need holy water and fast!" "Why?!" She said with caution. "I ate one of the exotic pears and I got bit by a nurse, that's was eating someone else!" The nurse ran and told everyone to stay. They all backed away from me since my arm was twitching badly. The Nurse came back with some holy water. I drank all of it gulping big. "Is it normal for holy water to be warm?" "OMG that's t-the cannibal w-water!" "WHAT?!" I yelled loud. As I was yelling my vision was getting blurry. In a blink of a eye everything was red with tentacles! And my head was twitching! She said it's only the first part of the transformation, so I was ok for the night. I skipped diner because I had a ton of good pears. I asked my new friend if I can stay with her, "hey can I stay with u?" "Sure..." we talked about our lives and stuff until we had to go to bed. Turns out her birthday is the same as mine! A minute after curfew hit, my back cracked backwards and I ate Maddie... "BURP" I did burp a lot for some reason. But I unlocked the door and started banging on people's doors breaking windows and eating them... then a nurse came and picked me up.

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