The First Day

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6:00 am the clock rang loud, almost bursting my ear drum! "OW!" The doors open. I walked in and saw a nurse at the front desk. "Um hi I-" "hello hello! I just need ur name." " my name is Emma." "great room 125, oh and make sure to lock ur door at 9:00 pm, or u will get a bad punishment." "Um ok..." I walk to the dressing room to get in the dress they assigned us in, mine was pink, I hate pink! But It was almost curfew, so I ran up to my room. I closed the doors and locked them. I couldn't sleep through half because, I heard some weird noises throughout the night. So I had questions. I looked out my door window... I saw a trail of what seemed to be blood. I followed the trail with my eyes. I saw the nurse from before eating someone else who went out of there room. She looked at me and ran at me. The door was locked so it was just banging. But later she broke the glass and bit me! *the next day.* my arm was twitching a little. I didn't like this place AT ALL! I had breakfast, it tastes ok to me. Maybe I'm turning into a cannibal! *I gasp!* omg I can ask about leaving this place, but ofc I will ask another nurse. "Hi nurse" "hello hello! What do u need it's almost time to go to the chapel!"  "Can I just leave this place or no?" "Oh ofc not silly! U are only allowed to leave after summer is over." "Oh ok..." * I said angrily* I started headed to the chapel to get some holy water and help the bite. After that I felt pain in my arm. "Ugh" my arm was twitching more, as if the holy water was making it grow. I went outside to get my mind off it. That's when I realized the land is beautiful here and why would I want to leave. I went back in and went to my dorm since curfew was near the corner. I double made sure the door was locked and went to bed peacefully.

The SanatoriumOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz