Smg3 has a crush on smg4

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Smg3 was going to take a nap. He saw a plushie of smg4, he was thinking to take a nap with it so that he can imagine what it feels like to hug smg4 but not really tho. POV: "ughhhh... ooooo what do we have here?" "Smg4 plushie?" "Don't mind me if I take him for a nap together". 3 went to sleep and all that but while 3 was sleeping smg4 snuck in smg3 Starbucks place (I forgot where smg3 lives alright? Anyways) because he left his phone at smg3 place. POV:smg4 "Hello? Smg3? Bruh he literally sleepin-... " smg4 saw that smg3 was sleeping with a plushie of 4 POV:smg4 "omg.. hmmm actually?" ".. I have something in mind..." smg4 took out the plushie of him and put it in the ground and replaced with him. (Smg3 started to open his eyes) POV: "ugh hey little bud-.. WHAT THE HELL!?... SMG4 WHY... HUH?..." "okay number one why are you In my bed? Number two where the plushie of you?..." smg4:"Well i saw you were sleeping with me but plushie tho so I thought of maybe replacing it with me instead because it's me duh?." Smg3: "but why tho? Why did you came here?" Smg4: "ohh well it's because I left my phone here" "And also, let me ask you a question" "Why did you sleep with a plushie of me?" (Smg3 was starting to blush) smg3: "WHY WOULD I SLEEP WITH A PLUSHIE OF YOU!?.." smg4: "Oh stop lying to me 3! "I saw you sleeping with it and you even ask where is it" Smg3: "I WOULD NEVER SLEEP WITH YOU IDIOT!" Smg4: "Or do you have a crush on me then?..." (smg4 looks at smg3 eyes and smg3 didn't like what smg4 said so 3 throw his gamer chair at 4) but he was okay 👍.

Hey guys hope you like the story and also if it sounds weird it's because I can't write good so sorry anyways byeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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