Chapter 16: Benefits.

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Yeonjun downed his glass in a single gulp, impressing Beomgyu. "Whoa," Beomgyu exclaimed in awe. Yeonjun let out a soft laugh and refilled Beomgyu's glass. Taking another sip, Beomgyu shared, "You know, I turn into a total mess when I'm drunk, right?" In his mind, Yeonjun thought, *No, you're adorable when you're drunk*, but he responded, "Yeah, I've witnessed that 'disaster' firsthand."

They both shared a quiet moment, simply sitting together in companionable silence, drink after drink. However, as the glasses continued to be emptied, Yeonjun started growing concerned about Beomgyu's alcohol intake. "You might want to slow down now," he suggested, his worry evident. Beomgyu turned his gaze towards Yeonjun, the unspoken emotions lingering between them. After a brief pause, he sighed and responded, "Atleast let me have this, okay?" Yeonjun's mind immediately began to speculate, wondering if Beomgyu was stressed.

"What do you mean, 'at least'?" Yeonjun's question was met with silence from Beomgyu. Seeking clarity, he pressed again, "Beomgyu?" Beomgyu's drowsy nod prompted Yeonjun to scoot closer, a gesture of concern. Beomgyu shook his head slightly, prompting Yeonjun to inquire further, "What's wrong?" He sought to understand, his worry etched on his features.

"I... I guess I'm just feeling a bit lonely," Beomgyu mumbled, his words almost a quiet contemplation. His tone seemed more like he was talking to himself, causing Yeonjun to involuntarily flinch. "Lonely?" Yeonjun's voice held a hint of concern. Beomgyu offered a nonchalant chuckle and brushed it off, saying, "Don't worry about it." Yeonjun attempted to reassure him, starting with "You're not al-" but Beomgyu interjected, his words somewhat sharp, "Your presence here doesn't... really ease the loneliness."

Yeonjun's response was a quiet "Oh." He then turned his attention to Beomgyu, asking, "What could make you feel less lonely?" Beomgyu met Yeonjun's gaze and offered a somewhat lighthearted suggestion, "Maybe another glass?" He chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood, but Yeonjun's expression remained unchanged, his concern lingering.

Silently, Yeonjun poured another glass for Beomgyu, who accepted it readily and drank without hesitation. Observing Beomgyu, Yeonjun decided to let him have his drink, respecting his unspoken request. Then, Yeonjun shifted the conversation, asking, "Did you have any friends in the palace?" Beomgyu noticed Yeonjun's expression, recognizing that this was the first time Yeonjun had asked something like this. And beomgyu was sad that yeonjun didn't knew the real him. He knew beomgyu, not prince ben. Reflecting on the question, Beomgyu replied, "Not exactly friends, but I had companions, good ones." Yeonjun acknowledged his response with a nod, while Beomgyu pondered further. It struck him that he had never truly had friends, even during his time in the palace. The constraints of his position as a prince had prevented him from forming such bonds; the risk was too great.

"You know... I did mention it earlier... that we're... friends," Yeonjun said, his gaze avoiding Beomgyu. It was a statement he couldn't quite believe he was uttering. How had he come to the point of considering Beomgyu a friend? Especially when he had once harbored such intense hatred for him. But here they were, in this new dynamic.

"Were you serious, though? I figured you said that just to pacify me," Beomgyu responded, voicing his skepticism. A chuckle escaped Yeonjun as he retorted, "Why would I bother trying to please you?" Beomgyu nodded, acknowledging the point, and added, "Well, yeah, that makes sense."

They lapsed into silence for a brief period until Beomgyu's drowsy voice broke it. "So, you're my friend?" he inquired, his slightly intoxicated state evident. Yeonjun found himself captivated by the sight, recognizing the trouble that came with Beomgyu being this cute while drunk. He couldn't help but admit to himself that he had a fondness for the version of Beomgyu that emerged when he was drunk.

"Yeah, we are," Yeonjun affirmed, only for Beomgyu to set his glass down and unexpectedly throw himself onto Yeonjun. The sudden weight caught Yeonjun off guard, momentarily stealing his breath. "Hey... what are you doing?" he questioned, surprised by the sudden closeness.

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