"You're in my seat."

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Did you liked tp tease Hela. Yes. Did you do everything to annoye her. Maybe.

You had your fun not gonna lie, but annyoing the goddess of death had its price. She often throwed one of her swords at you, it missed most of the time, or she would tell her guards to hunt you. It was really fun until one day you took it on another level. Hela's throne. It was an holy seat in her eyes and only she was allowed to sit on it. Well lucky for you, that you don't give a shit to the things she says to you.

Making your way towards the throne room more like a huge hall and at the end of it her throne. Walking over to it was kinda a powerful feeling because her guards watched every move of you. Hela had them everywhere in the palace even if she wasn't there. She wouldn't admit it but she cared a little about you so at least one guard was always following you which was most of the time Scurge. He is a nice guy and he has to be worthy when i was picked from Hela herself to be her executor.
You didn't even had your whole body on the throne when the big doors opened and Hela stepped in clearly exhausted and tired.


She walked over to you with an annoyed expression. "You're in my seat." "Yea right, well recognized." Damn that glare she gaved you was enough to make goosebumps form over your whole body. "Get. Down." You just smirked deeply. "Or else?" She stroked her hand through her hair making her black helmet appear. "Down." Sighing deeply you did as she said, this time. "You're no fun.." "I'm not here to have fun with you." "Why not?~" You could swear you saw a light blush appear on her cheeks. "Oh?~ Is the goddess of death flustered?~" "No." Chuckling to that didn't make the situation better that just eanred you a hand on your throat. "I just wanted to say i am into this shit." For you it was a joke but Hela really believed that. Ouch. "Pathetic."

"Says the one who grabbed me by the throat, it's not like you couldn't have grabbed something else." "I'm not into that." "Sure, says everyone." Again she glared at you. She gave a lot of this glares to you. No clue why.

"Better choose your next words carefully, Y/n." "Yea yea." "I mean it." You nodded before walking away and again she ordered Scurge to follow you.

"Why is she such an annoying brat all the time.."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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