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Maisie is led in bed, she could barely fall asleep last night. She has just seconds to her alarm going off. Finally, them long seconds have finally ended and that often dreaded sound echoes through her fairly sized Bondi apartment. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms which is way too big for a single, young woman but it's all she could get that was available close to the beach. With her apartment being in the middle of Tamarama and Bondi, she is able to gets the best views of both of them.

She showers quickly, still making sure she is properly clean, and makes herself breakfast. A light breakfast: french toast with some strawberries and oranges. With that all being done, her hair is now dry and puts it up in a messy bun, still making sure it looks presentable. Going through a mental checklist in her head, she thinks she's forgotten something but can't seem to shake what it could be. She races out the door, too eager for work to try and fathom what it could possibly be.


Strolling down the promenade, she sees the famous central lifeguard tower. Beginning to walk a little quicker so she could get her new uniform.

"Morning Hoppo!" She greeted as she walked into his office.

His face softened as he noticed her and he looked away from his computer. "Morning Maize," Her smile grew even bigger with a new nickname. All the little nerves had gone already, she knew this would become the family she ever longed for.

He handed her the uniform which was the same top as any regular lifeguard just with no light blue. The dark blue the lifeguards had on the sides and on there collar was the whole colour of the first aiders shirts. Internally screaming she rushed into the changing rooms, Hoppo followed behind to tell her the new assigned locker to her. Placing her belongings in there, she changes and heads towards the tower.


"Ah, I'm loving the new uniform," Someone says as she walks up the steps of the tower. She looks over to see a short, brunette hair boy. "Thanks, I'm Maisie." Introducing herself, she gave him a hug, sat down in a spare seat next to him.

"I'm Mouse," He said pointing to himself, "That's Quinn, Maxi, Troy and Whippet." He continued pointing to someone each time. She gives them all a wave and greets them. "It's good to meet ya. Deano should be here in a few for you." Whippet speaks up.

She received an email yesterday explaining the basics and a list of things that she might need, with her anti-seizure medication, she made sure to print the list off and put it by the front door which she never ended up actually using being so excited. It said that Deano would be her main mentor, with Kerrbox and Reidy supervising if Deano was unavailable or if he was on a day off. Maisie reminded them that she would be willing to work her days off if they were ever short, she'd be more than happy to give them a helping hand.

Deano walked and went up to greet her again and led her down to the medbay. "Right, so the other two are starting later on to give you a bit of time to get used to everything," He said moving closer to the cabinets. "All the medical equipment are in these cabinets over here." He was pointing to the upper cabinets, Maisie was quite short so she knew she'd find herself climbing on top of the counters to reach them.

Walking down to the tunnel, she saw some spare medical equipment scattered around with all the surfboards. She loved surfing, every second she had free, she was either stuffing her nose into a new book or out on a surfboard. On quiet days when the surf is barely reaching a foot, she even gets to do both. She wondered if maybe some of the boys here would teach her a few tricks or just surf with her sometime. "Hoppo wanted to know how you would like people to know about your epilepsy? It's just for incase anything happens."

She knew they'd have to know and preferably sooner rather than later but she hadn't properly decided how she wanted to approach the whole concept of it all. It couldn't just be a quick I have epilepsy and that was it. Everyone with it is different and of course she wouldn't have to say everything but quite a lot of it would be useful mainly for the benefit of keeping herself safe but also for her to keep this job and become more open with people. "Oh, well, I wasn't too sure, I thought maybe I could do it with someone later, maybe midday so everyone is here so I have to explain it fewer times? Would that be okay?"

FRESH START - BONDI RESCUE FANFICOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora