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..."I'm sorry, but I just don't think that you are what we're looking for."

Hoppo sighed. They had only found one first aider, merely good however two is what they would need for when one has a day off. Two are going to be good anyway in the summer when busy days occur again.

"This is proving more difficult, than I thought." Chappo agreed to the thoughts in Hoppo's head.

It had been a few days now and they were struggling to find people that were good at both first aid and just generally nice people who they could see becoming a part of the team. The only person they had thought was a good fit was a young girl, 23 years old. She was a brunette with dark eyes and had a twin brother with the same first aid qualifications who she recommended, who was next to be interviewed.

Hoppo went to go collect him from the front bit of his office.

"I believe we spoke to your sister earlier... Skyler?"

The young man sat down opposite Chappo and Hoppo, "Ah yes, we did our qualifications together so I have the same first aid abilities."

The two older lifeguards nodded hoping maybe this would be the other person they were looking for. The interview continued swiftly with them now relaxed.

"So, you're the same age, same qualifications. Is there anything different before we get started to possibly be able to skip a few questions?" Hoppo asked, tired hoping to get this done rather quickly.

"Besides the fact, I'm a boy and have had a few more experiences coming with first aid than my sister, we're the same in this sense."

"Okay, well, let's get started then." Hoppo began...

..."Well, I think we've got everything. It seems we can say the same as your sister. Would you like to start Monday? Two days from now?"

Scott got up and whilst shaking his hand, agreeing to the new job, Deano burst in.

"Whoa, what's up?" Chappo quickly stood up.

"That girl, the girl who treated that boy a few days ago.. I found her." He quickly spoke, keeping the door open to try and usher them outside.

Scott unaware of what was going on was left to sit in Hoppo's office.


Deano, Chappo and Hoppo were running down the promenade in the direction he had saw her walking. "Over there," They ran over to the blonde girl who was now sat on the beach.

"Hey, hey, can we talk to you for a second." Chappo asked the girl offering his hand to help the girl up. She hesitated but slowly got up with his help. "Uhm, have I done something wrong?" She questioned, her heart rate beginning to go up.

"No, no, we just want to ask you a few questions if you're interested."

Maisie was unsure what to think, what did they want to ask? What was different about her? Was it about the boy a few days earlier? She followed them up to Hoppo's office where Scott still sat.

"Hey love, do you mind if I ask you something, it's slightly personal, okay?" Deano offered her a seat and sat in another seat in the room. Maisie slowly nodded still unsure what was going on.

"Uh, okay. What's the question?" She replied.

"Are you currently employed, I wasn't sure but I kind of got that idea with what you said when we briefly spoke with the encounter the other day." Deano questioned her.

"No, I'm not. How come you're asking?"

"Well, we're looking for a first aider and Deano mentioned that you had paramedic training." Hoppo stepped in.

"Yeah I do.. look, I'm assuming you're going to offer me a job but I'm not sure I will be a good fit for you." She sighed and stood up ready to leave.

Deano knew she wasn't some regular girl, she was going to be a good and someone who was going to be a part of the team. "I'm sure you can, if you tell us why you can't, we can definitely sort something out."

She'd wanted a job for so long, no one wanted her and for them to seem to take an interest in her and not easily letting her go. She sat back down, hoping what she was about to tell them wouldn't change their opinion on her. "Okay then, I have epilepsy." After she said that, Deano immediately spoke up again, making sure no awkward silences were made, making her feeling uncomfortable.

"That's okay love. I'm sure we can try and figure something out and help work around it."

She was beginning to practically jump in her seat, no one had given her this much of an opportunity before. "Wait, really!"

"Yeah, definitely," Hoppo agreed.

Scott had began tapping his foot on the ground, "Isn't there only two positions available? Haven't they gone to me and my sister?" He was slightly annoyed now at this point.

"I'm sure we'll have room for three of you, especially if you and your sister are going on holiday together or something. It would be handy to have someone around just in case." Hoppo said, hoping he wouldn't lose the two of them as new members of the team.

He was still clearly annoyed and walked out reminding them that he'd see them on Monday.

"Was that me?" Maisie questioned.

"I think they're just them type of people." Chappo spoke up reassuring her. "Still want to continue the interview?"

She eagerly nodded as they began their long list of required questions.

With her only being nineteen, she would be the youngest on the lifeguarding team, the next one up being the boy she had the small interaction with, Harrison Reid. She was thinking of all the cool hairstyles she could show off at work with her long blonde hair and how she could try and make friends with her so-say shy personality. Still, she was proud of herself for having the courage to save the boy with loads of people watching.

"I have many qualifications for first aid on top of my paramedics license. With all the spare time with no job, I've been able to have a few extra certificates."...

..."Yeah, my epilepsy is still causing me frequent seizures but I'm still managing it, I know what my triggers are and I know that stress won't affect me and I have medication that I take first thing in the morning and two times after that throughout the day"...

..."I just want to help people like the people in the hospital helped me through my journey."


"And one thing we never caught was your name?" Hoppo realised, he made sure he wouldn't make the same mistake as last time.

"Maisie Taylor."

Hoppo stood up ready to greet her hand too, "Well then Maisie Taylor, I see we'll be seeing you on Monday too, is that alright?" She was so shocked, she was ecstatic, ready to go call up everyone she knew to tell them the news. "Yes! Of course, I'll be here for 6AM sharp, no, even earlier to make sure my uniform fits!"

Everyone was happy knowing what a good find they now had joining their crew of the famous Bondi blue shirts.

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