Chapter 3

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People's thoughts in Italics e.g.

Remus: blah blah

Sirius: smth smth


The next day, the four boys went to the Great Hall to have breakfast, as soon as he got there, Severus tried to spot a red-haired girl but to no avail. She must still be asleep. He settled down with the boys.

He began spreading some butter onto his toast as Sirius and James loaded their plates with all sorts of stuff. 'Severus, why do you eat so little? You only ate like a piece of chicken and drank some milk at the Welcoming Feast.' Sirius raised an eyebrow.

'I dunno.' he actually did know, it was because he was barely fed at home and he had been used to eating very small portions.

Remus was putting slices of meat onto his plate and not a single vegetable or dessert was seen on it. 'And you, why are you eating so much meat?' James gestured at his plate.

Remus shrugged. 

Remus: Because I am a werewolf. You will never want to be friends with me if you knew.

Then, McGonagall walked over to the four first years. 'Good morning Mr. Potter, Black, Lupin and Snape. I am your head of house, Professor McGonagall.' she handed them a piece of parchment each, 'These are your timetables for this year. Be sure to follow them and arrive on time for your lessons or points will be deducted from Gryffindor which might cause us to lose the House Cup.'

They nodded. 'Okay, so first lesson we have todays is,' James paused to look at the paper, 'Severus, you are so lucky. Our first class is Potions.'

Severus: What happened in my first potions class? Oh yes. Slughorn needed us to brew a Cure for Boils and Pettigrew somehow did things so wrong that the potion exploded all over the room and covered me head to toe with it and I did the opposite of what it was supposed to do and gave me painful as hell boils. I need to avoid stand near that table this time. Oh wait. Pettigrew isn't in Gryffindor this time.

'Penny for your thoughts?' Remus said, looking at Severus' concentrated face.

'Oh, I was just thinking about what kind of potion we are going to be brew today. It's the Cure for Boils one right?'

'Mhm. Did you study for it?'

'What do you think?'

'Of course you did.'

At that moment, Severus spotted Lily and she spotted him. 'Hey, Sev!'

She slightly pushed Remus aside and sat next to Severus. 'How was your first night? Mine was amazing. I met a girl called Mary, she's really nice and also a Muggleborn. We talked all night about our families, magic, Hogwarts. I'm so excited for our first lesson, do you know what it is? I heard from the other kids that our Head of House is called Professor McGonagall and she can transform into a cat. Isn't that cool? I wish I could transform into an animal too. What animal do you think I would be? I think a doe wo-' she was cut off by James.

'Evans, Evans, slow down, we can barely hear a word.

Severus: I miss her endless rambles so much.

Lily blushed at being caught like that.

'My night was very enjoyable, Lils. I had fun. Our first class is Potions, I think you need to go to McGon-Professor McGonagall to get your timetable to see what lessons you have. And I think a doe would really suit you as well.' Severus replied, Lily had a habit for talking fast and Severus developed a kind of superpower of being able to hear her jumble of words.

'By the way, Sev, would you mind if I partnered with Mary for this class? She struggles with Potions and she wants to make a good first impression. I'm sorry, I promise that I will partner with you next time.'

Before, the boy was sad, maybe even angry but now, he's more mature, I mean how can he not be, his mind is literally thirty-eight. So naturally, 'You can definitely do that. I don't dictate your life. You can partner up with anyone you want.'

'Thanks, Sev, you're the best. I'm really sorry though.'

'It's truly fine, Lil, I'll find another partner somehow.'

Severus: Last time, because Lily was with Mary McDonald and no one wanted me as a partner, I was all alone. I don't see any reason why I can't be this time.

'Severus? Can I be your partner?' Remus said shyly.

'What?' the boy was shocked that anyone would choose him as a partner.

Severus: Must be out of pity. He isn't that bad at Potions though.

'I-I'm sorry, I can find another person if you've already got someone else.'

Remus: Dammit, Remus, how desperate do you want to look?

'No, no, I don't have another person in mind. I would be okay if you want to partner with me.'

Remus: Okay?! What do you mean by okay?! Am I really that bad?!


Severus nodded his head to reciprocate it.

During Potions, Severus saw the the room was full of children wearing red robes and yellow robes. 

Severus: Fuck.

He picked a different seat from last time, he sat in the front with Remus. But, his plan to avoid Pettigrew failed badly, the rat actually moved to sit at the table next to him.

Severus: What the hell.

It was too late to change seats though, as Slughorn came in and introduced himself. As Severus predicted, they needed to brew the potion again. Severus remembered how to do it perfectly and he added some ingredients to make it better, as he and Remus finished their potion, it finally happened.


Pettigrew's caldron exploded and Severus was covered with painful boils. 



'Mr. Snape.'

Severus laid on the floor unable to move. Last time, Slughorn just gave him some potion and let him rest for the rest of the lesson but this time was different, 'Mr. Lupin, bring him to the Infirmary.'

Remus nodded and supported Severus to the hospital wing.

'Come on, it's going to be alright, Severus.'

When he reached it, the ward was empty so he yelled, 'Help.' and the matron, Poppy Pomfrey rushed out. She carried Severus onto a bed with the help of the levitating charm. The boils were going to erupt painfully if she didn't hurry and so she didn't say anything about Remus being there watching. She used a spell to carefully cut through Severus' robes to rub some ointment on his skin.

Severus: Shit. She's gonna see them.

What she didn't expect what seeing the eleven-year-old's body covered in welts, heavy bruises,  and scars that seemed to have been caused a long time ago. Remus couldn't help but stare wide eyed and mouth a gap. Madame Pomfrey remaining professional rub the ointment all over the boils and they quickly disappeared. 

'Child, what is your classmate's name?' she asked the still dumbstruck Remus.

'Huh. Oh. Umm. He's Severus Snape.'

'What about you?'

'Remus Lupin.'

'Mr. Lupin, you can return back to your class and I will tend to Mr. Snape now.'

'Is he okay?'


'Why were there injuries all over his body? They don't seem like they were caused by the boils.'

'That's left for Mr. Snape to tell you. Now run along.' 

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