The Siren

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"No, go left! Sailor Venus take the route towards the central and - no, wait! Take a right!"

"WHICH IS IT!?" came the roaring voice of Sailor Venus over the comm. system.

Azula blew some air out and rubbed her face. She splat a hand on the monitor and gazed at the screen again. Street security cameras allowed her to see where the blonde Sailor Scout was headed - along with the others - but Azula was still having trouble locating the precise location they were searching for. Thankfully, Luna hopped onto the stool beside hers and Artemis took the other on her left. The two cats started directing Sailor Venus towards their assumed location.

"Thanks guys," Azula said to the two cats afterwards. "I'm a bit...under stress..." Her blue eyes gazed over the multiple tabs opened on the computer. Some belonged to Koan, the Black Moon Clan, Chibiusa, Senka, was way too much for one person.

"Don't worry, we're a team after all," Artemis reminded.

"Well this team needs to find our newest member who seems hell bent on dominating animals everywhere," Azula leaned back in her chair.

Sailor Siren was definitely awake and causing havoc in her disoriented state. They hadn't been able to capture her yet but since she had practically every animal worshiping the ground she walked on, Azula theorized by finding where the animals were disappearing to they would then find Sailor Siren.

"Azula, we're here, but there's nothing," Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury reported from one location across the city.

"It's just business as usual," Sailor Mars added.

Azula zoomed in on their location and confirmed this was the case. Animals were still freaking out but people were going on about their business like nothing.

"Azula," Sailor Jupiter reported in, "we've got the same thing over here with us. Are you sure this is the place?"

Once more, Azula set to work. "Yeah, it's where the traces were leading to. Hold on, let me—"

"Azula!" Sailor Hemera called in.

"What!?" Azula snapped under the pressure.

Sailor Hemera snorted. "Cracking under the pressure already?" Azula groaned and muttered under her breath but otherwise continued to locate them.

Sailor Hemera was crouched over a rooftop overlooking the mall. Her sister, Sailor Asteria joined her.

"Don't mess with my human," Sailor Asteria scolded lightly.

"What?" Hemera gave her a weirded look.

Asteria faced the city, completely calm. "I adopted her. She's my human pet—"

"No I am not!" Azula shouted through their comms., absolutely offended with what she was hearing. "I am not your human pet! Would you quit saying that!?"

A smirk spread across Sailor Asteria's lips hearing Azula ramble on about how offensive it was to be called someone's pet. Sailor Hemera gave her a look. "You're awful," she couldn't help chuckle.

"Guys!" Azula suddenly called, serious now. "An unidentified figure has been spotted just a corner from where Sailor Asteria and Sailor Hemera are at. She's causing quite the havoc..."

Sailor Hemera straightened and listened up for any strange noises. Sure enough, there were shrill screams of humans. "Oh Sailor Siren..."

The two Shadow Scouts ran towards the noises and were of course the first to get there.

A tall, blonde haired girl was laughing in the air as dozens of pigeons pecked at numerous people. "I can make it all stop, petty humans, so long as you kindly direct me to Princess Reign."

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