just a little crush | gepard x female!reader

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it's just a little crush,
i highly doubt she
would feel the same.

"Daydreaming about Y/n again, huh?"

He was broken out of his thoughts when he quickly glanced over at his sister while a small, red blush lightly dusting over his cheeks, nose and at the tips of his ears, "w- what?!"

Gepard was many things. Strong, confident, reliable, highly respected.

He didn't blush like a fool. He didn't stutter like a shy schoolgirl. And he most definitely didn't let his lips quiver when caught in thinking about someone.

Well, unless it was y/n. Then he was all those things. A helpless man with a love he was sure was unrequited.

Serval, smirking at the priceless scene, could only rest her cheek in the palm of her hand, "oh come on, its obvious. I've been talking about dandruff hair and how it grows on trees for the past ten minutes and all you've been saying is 'that's cool' and 'will that be apart of your new song.' Honestly, it was cute ar first, but now I'm just curious. What on earth are you thinking so intently over that it has to do with y/n? Hopefully nothing too .. risqué."

His blush worsened as he slammed his hands on the table, "Serval! I- I would never ever think of y/n in such a way!"

His sister laughed and gave him one of her charming smiles, "well, whatever you were thinking about .. don't you think its time to confess? She's a young maiden after all. It won't be too long before someone more dashing than you comes and sweeps her off of her feet."

He pressed his lips together and stood up from his spot at the table, "it's just a little crush Serval, besides - i highly doubt she feels the same way. Now, if you'll excuse me," he said while looking towards the nearest clock, "I have to be going."

"Sure, sure," she said with a wave as he started walking towards the door, "and be sure to say hi to Bronya for me, won't you?"

"I will," he called after, and the moment he stepped out of the shop, a cold wind was quick to hit him the face. He was thankful for it though as he felt his once hot face began to cool down dramatically. He was sure it wasn't red anymore as he began walking to his next destination.


At the sound of his name, he turned to look and saw Bronya walking up to him. He gave her a stiff now as they walked off together.

"Did you just finish up talking with your sister," she questioned.

"Yes, I did. She says hello by the way."

Bronya smiled knowingly, "was that all she said?"

Her words made him think of Serval's suggestion of confessing to y/n, but he shook the thought away.

"No, nothing else."

"Hmm, I see. So, she didn't mention how you should confess to y/n then?"

He tensed up which didn't go unnoticed by Bronya which, of course, caused her to continue her verbal attack.

"Judging by your reaction, I guess she did mention it. And seeing how you're also being dismissive of the matter, I guess you aren't going to go through with it."

"Of course not. It's just a silly crush, and I'm sure y/n doesn't feel the same."

"You'll never know unless you say something."

Gepard looked away, "can we just, stop talking about it?"

Bronya shrugged as she stopped walking and so did Gepard.

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