"What's going on. Let me out!" she yelled yanking at the door handle.

Even with all her screaming there came no answer but the zooming car driving down the unknown cut out trail.

He swerved stopping the car at a random cabin in the woods.

"Mr Rodriguez-

A sudden click made her quiet ,the quivering driver started begging for his life.

"Please you promised. I did what you said and I won't tell anyone "

"Nosotros mentimos " another voice spoke up before an unfamiliar sound whooshed out causing Mr Rodriguez to suddenly slump forward in his seat. -( we lied).

It didn't take much of a guess to know what just happened.

Sofia started screaming at the top of her lungs but the two strangers came out the car.

How isn't the door locked.?

One of them pressed something in the front and suddenly the door on her side swung open.

"Make this easier for us and we won't hurt you" he said but she shrunk back in her seat.

"The hard way then" he mumbled before pulling her out kicking and screaming but she couldn't over power the towering man.

Once they got inside the other man went ahead of them up the spiral stairs.

"What do you want with me ?" She asked but to her disappointment no answer came. They followed behind him up the stairs.

A door opened and all three stepped inside.

The lights were suddenly switched on causing a twinge of discomfort for her eyes.

Once she did adjust to it she hesitantly gazed up at the man holding her arm.

The furrow of her brows caught the attention of the man across the room as he chuckled seeing her mouth slightly part.

A look of total disbelief crossing her features.

"Had enough?" He asked letting go of her wrist.

Sofia's eyes soon averted to the one across from her which made her swallow nervously.

Their beautiful...

The one beside her had a scar over one of his brow. His blue sea like eyes staring at her intently.

As for the one a distance away he had shoulder length brown sandy hair. His facial hair enhancing his handsome face.

" I just want to go home. I'll do anything if you promise to let me go" she pleaded dropping to her knees.

"Anything bebita ?" The scarred man asked.

She nodded then lowered her head feeling hopeless.

What's the use?. They just killed a man after promising him they would spare his life. They'll definitely kill me.

"Then take off your clothes"

The dreaded words made her stomach drop in shock but she closed her eyes and got up hesitantly wobbling over the bed.

The brown haired man knelt by her side.

"Don't be afraid just do as we say and you'll be okay. You said you would do anything ,yeah?" He spoke with a beaming smile.

Under any other circumstance she would find his smile warm and inviting.

Tears glossed over her eyes as she started peeling off her clothes with tremendous nerves and fear.

One shots (18+)Where stories live. Discover now