Chapter 23

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When Seth apologized, I knew it came from his heart. I could tell that he truly meant it. And that he had just been hurt when did all those things.

After he apologized, I untied him. And I had been right, he didn't try and do anything against us.

We got out of this place and we were going to use my plan and go around the edge of town to get home. By now, it was dark out and we'd be perfectly safe going with my plan.

Riley stopped us when we got outside of the building though.

"Wait." She said.

"What?" I asked, turning towards her.

"We can't just leave all this evidence here. What happens when the police find this place and all the stuff inside?"

I had forgotten about that part.

"Well, what am I supposed to do about it?"

"Just burn the place down."

"But if I set this place on fire, then that will just cause more of a scene. Especially since it's nighttime. And besides...I really don't want to use my powers anymore..."

"First you set it on fire, then you put the fire out. You have the power to do both. And if you do it this way, you'll burn the building and everything in it down. And as for you not wanting to do kind of have to."

I sighed. I guessed she was right.

I turned to Seth. He agreed that I could burn it down.

So I did.

And then we were going home.

We arrived at my house safe and sound. We walked into the house and I think everyone felt the same way that I did. My heart was beating super fast was in a good way. I felt good inside.

My mom was the first to say something. She put both hands on my shoulders and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You don't know how proud I am of you, Aniyah. You've grown up and...oh, I'm just so proud of you."

We hugged.

Then Sophia walked up to me. I think she was going to cry. But a good type of cry. This time it wasn't because she was afraid. I think it was more like because we got through this whole thing together and we were still alive in the end.

She hugged me really tight. But it felt good.

And now it was Riley's turn. She didn't say anything but she didn't have to. I knew her heart. She looked into my eyes. And I looked into hers. We looked at each other for a while. No words. But we knew what each other was thinking. Then she hugged me. And I hugged her back.

Then I noticed Seth lingering awkwardly in the doorway.

I walked over to him.

He was about half a head taller than me, but I still looked at him the eye.

"Do you...wanna come in?"

He shook his head. "I-I don't think so. I just feel so...weird. I mean, I don't know what caused me to act the way that I did. And to treat you the way that I did. I was...insane. I-I guess I was just...hurt."

"I know." I smiled a little bit. "But it's okay. You already apologized. And I already forgave you."

Then I slowly embraced him in a hug.

After a moment, he wrapped his arms around me.

And...It felt good inside.

This whole experience, this whole adventure, these whole past few days, had felt like a superhero movie. But this movie was different. In most superhero movies, the bad guy ends up going to jail, or even dying. But in this movie, the bad guy ended up becoming part of the family.

I was actually really proud of myself. Because instead of ending our "movie" with death or with revenge...I had ended it with love. And it was a beautiful thing.

I guess I was a pretty powerful superhero...


(A/N Oh my gosh. It's over. No Way. I can't believe it's already over! Like Aaaahhhhhh!!!! And I didn't really plan on making a sequel or anything, just to let you know. Unless you guys absolutely insist. Anyways, what did you guys think??? I wanna know all ur thought on the story and on this chapter. And...I wanted to ask...could you guys please let other people know about this story?? I really had fun writing it but just 'cause it's over doesn't mean I don't want more readers. This was such a fun story to write and probably my favorite and I want more people to read it!! And I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the people who read this story, voted and especially commented. I love you guys. You make it fun to write. I really like seeing what you guys think. and especially comment. Since this is the last chapter I want to have a comment from each of my readers. So PLEASE comment. And if you tell ur followers about this story, I will love you forever. Oh, wait. I already love you guys forever. Well, anyways, that's all!! Love y'all! Xx )

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