33 - The Fresh Murder, And The Eyes Of Fear 10/13/1995

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Thursday went by fast, and today was Friday. I love Friday's. They were still my favorite. Today was interesting. Once me and Marlene got ready for our classes, we left our dorm and stopped at this cafe to get breakfast. So far it was going well, but I had a strange feeling something was going to happen. I couldn't help the feeling of something bad that would happen today. It was starting to bother me. Once we finished our breakfast, we headed to school. We went our separate ways since we had different classes. When I stepped into my first class, I started getting shivers down my spine. I knew that the thing that was going to happen, would be soon. Inside I started panicking, outside I was calm. It was hard to keep my panic inside. Once the class started, the professor started the lesson. It was boring of course. I took my notes, but couldn't seem to concentrate well. Too many thoughts were filling my head, I was under pressure. I was overthinking way too much. But I couldn't help it either. I couldn't stop thinking about what could happen. The feeling was just there.
It was now my third class. I was about to fall asleep, until I heard a loud shriek. I was now awake. Everyone was awake from that. The professor rushed out of the classroom after hearing the noise. Security was everywhere. I have no idea what was happening, but it sounded bad. The professor stepped back in, fear filled her eyes. "Please excuse me students, I will be back." She said before she left. After that, I was even more curious. What was happening? Then out of the blue, the speaker came on, "good Afternoon students, I'm sorry to say but a murder was found in the bathroom of the third floor. To ensure everyone's safety, please head to your dorms. Classes will be canceled for a few days due to this sudden occurrence. Thank you for understanding students." Then the speaker went off. Everyone packed their bags and headed to their dorms. The halls were very crowded so I wasn't able to meet up with Marlene, but instead I can meet her at the dorm. So that was the event I knew was going to happen. Once I arrived at the dorm, I hugged Marlene and we rested. We had no classes for the few days because of the murder. I decided to stay in the dorm with Marlene until further notice. That was pure fear.

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