6 - There's Another Rumor.. 6/14/1991

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The weekend flew by. Monday started and just as it seemed to be over, it wasn't. It was a new day as I was at school. Nothing new. But there was a new rumor going around. The new rumor is about the girl again. What happened to that girl now? Well apparently the rumor says the girl was looking gloomy and scarier than usual. That girl was unapproachable. She was almost intimidating. I ignored this new rumor and moved on with school. I had another therapy session with my therapist today after school. And today was the school festival. It's that time of year where my school has a festival. I've never paid any attention to it so yeah. During one of my classes the girl left class again. I always question why she leaves. But I also think, why does her bangs cover her eyes? Maybe it's a hairstyle? I don't really know. I just ignored that and managed to actually focus in class. Apparently my sister and mother were going to come and live with me in a few days. A Second later the teacher was pulled out of class to talk to someone. I began hearing everyone talking about the rumor or something else. It was annoying. I ended up drawing. I just drew. The teacher stepped back into the classroom looking nervous.

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