32: Good times, more bad times

Start from the beginning

"You know her?"

Her, Yoko, smiled at you, almost a smirk. You hated to admit to yourself that she was absolutely beautiful, with dark hair and equally as dark eyes, she was a sight to behold. But still, compared to you,
titled by numerous nobles to be the most gorgeous woman in all the southern fiefs, she was nothing.

On the same token, you could not be nasty to her either. As a daimyo's wife, a seishitsu, you were to uphold the graces of your husband's name. Arguing with this girl in public is a horrible look.

"Oh yes. We spoke once years ago. Very enlightening," you said, your voice a scary even. So even and monotonous that Satoru's ears perked up for the drama. "Clearly the conversation stuck with me. Welcome to the family."

"Thank you, y/n-san."

Megumi hissed in a breath.

"Gojo." you corrected swiftly.


Satoru snorted and Geto wheezed behind you, while Naoya narrowed his eyes. The surrounding citizens began chuckling behind their hands. Yoko, obviously to you embarrassed (because she should not yet hide her emotions), smiled nervously because the last time she saw you, you were not this...tough.

Not to mention the look that your lady in waiting was giving her.

You looked at Yoko like a bug that needed to be squashed this time...not the other way around.

She'll fit in great with this family. She is but a monster.

She was unprepared for this.

"Yeah, woman, it's Gojo-sama!"

"Only we call her y/n-sama!"

"Zen'in witch!"

Naobito and Naoya's faces were two sides of the same coin. Your father's was unnerved at the cutting tone of your words, but Naoya once again looked fucking furious.

"Do not embarrass her this way."

"I have done nothing to her."


"How about we get this parade started, Zen'in-san?" Satoru said through stifled laughter, ignoring the way the man's eyes flared when he grabbed Megumi by the belt of his kimono and pulled the both of you through the crowd to get a good view of the event.

Part of you regretted what you did to the poor girl, but...part of you didn't. However you didn't dwell on it too much as you stood in between many of your new fief's citizens with your husband (likely blocking the view) and Megumi who was still chuckling from the entire debacle.

"Can't believe you did that, y/n." Megumi shook his head.

"Hey, someone needed to," Kurusu popped in behind you with Yuji and Nobara in tow. They had brightened up when they set eyes on the dark haired boy, choosing to harass him with yelling and questions as the excitement settled in for the whole square. "Proud of you, girl. She needed to know her place."

"Kurusu-san, I cannot help but feel bad."

"Don't!" her daughter, Hana, said hurriedly.

"Nah, you don't need to!" another man chimed in behind her. One you did not know but smiled at nonetheless.

"If you did not, I would have." the smooth voice from Geto Suguru sounded behind you and you rolled your eyes as you looked at him.

"Me too!" Satoru said. He leaned down for attention which you happily obliged. "You're my girl, after all~"

beautiful one, sharer of my longingWhere stories live. Discover now