But just as they stepped into the room, Alexandra disappeared for a split second. Charles's curiosity was piqued, wondering what she might be up to. And then, she reappeared, and his breath caught in his throat.

She stood before him, adorned in a daring set of red lingerie that left little to the imagination. The crimson fabric hugged her curves in all the right places, the sight of her beauty leaving him utterly speechless.

His eyes swept over her, his gaze full of longing and desire. He was stunned by her boldness, by the way she exuded confidence and sensuality. The soft glow of the Christmas lights danced across her skin, making her appear even more alluring.

Alexandra's lips curved into a mischievous smile as she broke the silence. "Ferrari red...what do you think?"

Charles's voice caught in his throat, his eyes locked on her. "Fuck, Alexandra..."

She took a step closer, her eyes holding his with an intensity that matched his own. He finally found his voice, his words a mixture of awe and appreciation. "You're... breathtaking."

Her smile grew, her confidence radiating like a beacon. "I'm glad you like it."

Charles closed the distance between them, his fingers gently tracing the contour of her shoulder. "Like it? I'm in complete awe."

The moment was charged with electricity, a potent combination of desire and the deep emotional connection they shared. In the soft light, their gazes remained locked, a silent exchange of promises and unspoken declarations.

As Charles took her hand and pressed a tender kiss to her knuckles, his voice was a soft murmur. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on, Mon Ange."

Alexandra's smile held a mix of vulnerability and love. "I'm yours, Charles."


The morning sun cast a gentle glow through the curtains, illuminating the room where Charles and Alexandra lay tangled in each other's arms. The intimacy of the night before had deepened their connection, and as they stirred awake, their eyes met in a shared moment of tenderness.

"Ciao, bella," Charles murmured, his voice a warm caress.

Alexandra's lips curved into a soft smile. "Good morning, Amor. And Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Lexi," he replied, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

The air was filled with the quiet joy of the holiday, their closeness and affection a testament to the depth of their love. Eventually, they untangled themselves from the embrace and moved to sit up, the world outside their cocoon of intimacy calling them to greet the day.

As they sat on the edge of the bed, their fingers intertwined, Alexandra's excitement bubbled over. "I can't wait for you to open your presents."

Charles chuckled, his gaze affectionate. "You're like a kid on Christmas morning."

Her eyes sparkled with playful enthusiasm. "And you're not?"

He laughed, the sound rich and genuine. "Fair point."

With a shared grin, they got out of bed and wrapped themselves in cozy robes. The air was charged with a sense of anticipation as they made their way to the living room, where the Christmas tree stood adorned with lights and decorations.

As they sat together under the twinkling Christmas tree, Charles's eyes twinkled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. He reached over and handed Alexandra a wrapped gift, a small smile playing on his lips. "Go on, open yours first."

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