Chapter 9

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  Brother, I misunderstood, we are just too cold to enjoy the fire!
  Just tear down the shed?

  Isn't it too cold to be in a hurry? Misunderstand, misunderstand.

  Boss, who knows if this gun is real or not, I guess 80% of it is fake!
  Don't talk! ! !

  Tang Yu, I don't explain, but reach into the pocket space and take out the silencer! Just put it on in front of several people!

  Brother! grandfather! ancestors! It's really a misunderstanding! ! I'll build a tent for you again!
  How powerful he was at the beginning, how humble he is now! !
  In the end, there was a person who wanted to escape in the dark night. Tang Yu didn't look at the distance of more than ten meters, and pulled the trigger directly by feeling! Puff, the sound is very small! !
  I don't know where it hit, the man fell to the ground with a bang, and there was no sound!
  Now there is no doubt!
  No more begging for mercy!
  Tang Yu can't help it! These people don't even give them a chance to react! !

  It hurt him to dig out the wooden warehouse directly!

  Tang Yu didn't intend to keep them, after all Mucang is his big secret!

  He is afraid that these people will spread the news, and that jealous people will investigate him. Although the chances are very small, Tang Yu must try his best to ensure nothing goes wrong!
  And when the warehouse is opened, someone will definitely know!

  One bullet per person, Tang Yu tried his best to kill with one shot! Reduce their suffering!
  Tang Yu didn't feel any discomfort after killing so many people. He also killed a lot of people in his previous life! In order to survive, they will do anything they can!
  He took the corpses of several people into the space and planned to find an opportunity to throw them away!

  It is easy to find out here that he was beaten to death by Mucang!
  Put up the insulation board again, it’s cold! ! I had forgotten about the cold when I was nervous, but now I realized it was really cold! !
  Sitting next to the fire to warm up again, now I can't hold the cutting machine at all!
  Half an hour later, I finally felt alive!
  Get out the cutting machine and get to work!
  using the cutting machine is really fast. There is no need to change to a second one, and the connecting part between the two doors is cut directly!
  It's cold inside too! But it’s much better than outside! Without wasting time, Tang Yu took out the brightest flashlight!

  The supplies are indeed all there! There are rows of large shelves with various products neatly placed in boxes and transparent packaging bags!

  Tang Yu started to check!
  One hundred and ten bags of rice! receive!
  Canned Fruit? This is something I never thought of stocking up on before. The space is filled with fresh fruits!

  Accept it, and eat canned fruit in front of people from now on, otherwise, if you hold a fresh apple and gnaw on it, any fool will know there is something wrong! Can apples grow at tens of degrees below zero?
  All kinds of canned meat, this one is also good, even if you don’t eat it yourself, you can exchange it for supplies!

  Salt! This is as much as you want! Not too much!

  The seasonings are all taken away. Although he is not very good at cooking, it does not prevent Tang Yu from having a heart to become a chef!
  All kinds of toilet paper, sanitary napkins, I didn't keep Tang Yu!
  There are many drinks! Fruit Orange, Baishi, Sprite, Wahaha, take them all away too!
  All kinds of vacuum-packed duck legs, chicken legs, and duck necks! Got rich! !
  The more I walked in, I found that I ate less and less. After the last potato chip was put away,
  there were some daily necessities such as brooms, pots, and trash cans!
  These Tang Yu chose to take some of them into the space, but not all of them!

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