Aerin still remained silent.Of course she wasn't feeling good about Ruby and Keeho's new relationship,but it wasn't jealousy.It was worry and anxiety because she knew Ruby's condition would get worse this way.Since she had met Aerin in the asylum they had been friends,and even though Ruby got discharged from the hospital her condition didn't improve.She now keeps imagination herself as Aerin which Aerin hated,she hated the idea of someone trying to be her because for her,she was the worse person living on earth and she would never want someone to become a pathetic monster like her.But she couldn't do anything,Ruby kept copying her.She tried to possess everything Aerin had,even though she is the one seeking revenge from Jeonghan.Even though she helped Aerin in every way,Aerin didn't like the fact that Ruby's illness was getting bigger and severe day by day.

"I'm asking you for the last time,am I the one whom you love,Aerin Nicole Park?"


Aerin mumbled.

"Are you saying the truth?If that's not then Ruby's proposal and's false,I'll break up with her right now.Just answer me,Nicole!For me it's been always you.But who is that for you?Who do you love?"

"Choi Seungcheol."

She spelled those two works,loud and clear.Her eyes bright and shiny,Keeho knew what it meant.He has never seen that kind of spark in Aerin's eyes when she talked about him,but it was for Seungcheol which meant she did love him.Keeho felt a drop of tear rolling down his cheek,he quickly rubbed it off and smiled.

"Cool!Then I'm gonna date her.I want Aerin Nicole Park but I can't get her right?Because she loves that bastard Choi fucking Seungcheol.And ofc I can't force you to love me!So I'm gonna stick to your substitute,she is just you anyways."

Both of them didn't notice someone had been listening to their conversation the entire time.Tears steamed down Ruby's cheeks as she heard Keeho's last words.He just wants to be with her because she's like Aerin?He didn't love her,Ruby already knew.But she wasn't a cheap copy of Aerin,she was a human too.How could she be okay with the fact that his partner liked her because she was identical to his actual love?Ruby put down her hair in sadness and self hatred.

"She's completely fine now,Mr.Yoon."

The doctor said to Keeho with an assuring smile.

"Her treatment is complete.Ms.Stewart is no more a patient of Dissociative Identity Disorder,she is completely cured now.She has shown great response and tried a lot throughout this year,that's why she recovered so fast.Now you can finally go for the eye surgery."

Keeho nodded.After Ruby's plastic surgery Keeho decided to admit her to a good asylum and get her treated for her mental illness.And surprisingly Ruby agreed too,in fact she herself tried a lot to recover from the problem and now after a whole year she was completely perfect.Now the next step was getting her eye surgery,restoring her beautiful ocean blue eyes.But this time she won't cover them with black contacts just to look like Aerin,she would embrace her own identity now.

"So why are you here,Cheol?"

Joshua finally asked.

"Well I'm getting fucked from both sides."

Seungcheol hissed,Joshua raised an eyebrow.

"What else did you do?I mean I know about the Keeho guy and oh-"

Joshua's eyes widened,now he could connect the dots.The Taeyong news was all over the social media and Keeho aka Seungcheol's ex boyfriend whom Seungcheol murdered once is now back.

"See you know about this Taeyong thing now?Keeho is back too,and he's Jeonghan's step brother."

"Now I understand.Wtf dude,your boyfriend gets to know either of them and you won't get laid anytime soon."

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