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"Aerin,what are you-"

"Seungcheol,run for your life.This bitch is dying with me."

Ruby said and laughed like a maniac.Seungcheol gulped,the fire behind them was getting bigger and they needed escape.

"Cheol,save your life!"

But Jeonghan was even more important,no way he was leaving without him.He had just one chance to save him,and he was going to do this.Seungcheol held the knife from Ruby's hand all of a sudden and threw it off.Jeonghan was released from Ruby's grip but Seungcheol's hand was now bleeding for holding the knife.And then Seungcheol did what Jeonghan couldn't expect and ran off the hall with him.Jeonghan watched Seungcheol push Ruby into the fire,and of course she couldn't fight back infront of his immense strength.Seungcheol intertwined his hands with Jeonghan's and escaped the fire.As they got out,they found the rest waiting for them,


Keeho yelled as he reached the sight and saw Ruby unconscious,surrounded by the flames of blazing fire.Just like Keeho expected,Ruby got into danger.Seungcheol pushed her into the fire to save Jeonghan,which Keeho did expect already.But Keeho was a bit late,he did drag Ruby's unconscious body out of the fire and admit her to the hospital which saved her life.But parts of her body and her face were completely burnt,the doctor already said there was no way she was going to look like before without plastic surgery.So Keeho did that,he invested whatever Aerin gave to him and Ruby for her plastic surgery.He needed to make her look like before,she needed to look like Aerin like before.But the plastic surgery changed everything,as the bandages were being removed Keeho cursed.He could already assume Ruby would not look the same,but he didn't want to hurt her for this,she had already been through a lot.

"How do I look now,Keeho?"

Ruby asked as the doctor removed the last strand of bandage from her face.

"You look....different."

Keeho managed to utter those words as he was staring at Ruby's face.Ruby's speciality was the fact that she was identical to Aerin,they were surprisingly very similar,enough to pass as twins.After meeting Aerin,Ruby just dyed her naturally red hair into black and put contact lenses and boom!No one could differentiate between two of them,even Seungcheol and Jeonghan couldn't.But now she looks completely different,she was a whole new person.

"Mr.Yoon,we tried to operate her eyes too since both of them are equally damaged.So I would suggest you to give her some time till she recovers and then go for another surgery."

The doctor explained.

"Ofc Doc,I'm not rushing into anything for now.Her complete recovery is my only goal."

The doctor nodded and left.

"How do you feel,Red?"

"I don't know how I'm supposed to feel when I'm not even the person I was before."

Keeho patted Ruby's shoulder and forced a fake smile.

"Don't worry,you look much better now.I love the new Aerin."

And that's when Keeho's eyes widened,he said Aerin instead of Ruby.He could feel Ruby slowly removing his hands off her shoulders,of course she was angry.

"Don't expect anything from me,Keeho.Afterall I don't look like your Aerin anymore."

Ruby sounded hurt and disappointed.

"Ruby,I didn't-"

"Leave!I want to rest now."

Keeho sighed and slowly walked out of the hospital room.He fucked up really bad this time,Ruby won't let it slide so easily this time.

Scarlet(Red 3) C.S.C & Y.J.H ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant