Still holding the curtain in one of his hands Reece states, "You are a girl."

I frown at his statement and cross my arms in front of my chest, "Obviously."

Do I not look like a girl? His words are offending and he seems to notice it too the way his eyes widen.

"No, I don't mean it like that," he tries to explain, while one of his hands is running through his thick, dark hair.

"How do you mean it?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes at his attitude.

Only now I realize that he thought his sister had a guy in her room. Though in the end I'm that "guy".
And to let him pay for his actions I think I'm going to have a little fun with him. Another reason is the way he just talked to his his little sister. 

She isn't sitting at her bed anymore and looks at us curiously. There is even a small smile plastered on her face. She is enjoying that I don't let Reece talk over me.

I wink at her when her brother is too occupied starring at the ceiling in embarrassment. Kitty gives me her biggest grin as she notice her brother squirming. 

I'm about to pull another stunt, but then something happens. Like most of the time my extraordinary ability or the superpower, how Aiden calls it, has terrible timing.

I panic. I can't move, Reece is way too close and he will notice if my standing arrangement changes suddenly. 

So I try to stand as still as possible and concentrate on something else. I have to look at Reece because he is blocking my way. One of his arms is hanging loosely at his side and his other one is on his head, about to go through his hair. It kind of looks funny, even when the boy looks like a freaking model.

This family has great genes, I think and look at Kitty. She as well is a beauty like her brother.

My power is staying longer than usually and I'm afraid that something will happen and I reveal anything.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, is my last thought before everythinggoest back to normal. Reece finishes his movement and then looks at me oddly.

My heart starts to beat faster at this. Did he notice something?

"I don't have to answer your question. What are you even doing here?" he asks me like nothing happened.

 I let out a breath out of relief and answer him. "I don't have to answer yours either."

Reece glares at me and I openly glare back at him. But I also hear him mumble, "Touché."

But who does he think he is?

"I'm Reece Matthews," he suddenly says mimicking me, by crossing his arms.

"What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"That's my name," he tells me an amused expression forming on his face.

As I realized what I have done, my cheeks reddens and Reece is giving me a full-blown grin.

"Whatever," I say, pushing him out of my way, so I can leave this room.

He lets me through, but questions, "Where are you going?"

"Away from you," I call over my shoulder, not turning around to face him. Instead I walk to his still grinning sister.

"It was nice to meet you, but I have to leave now," I tell her and to my surprise she huggs me tight.

"Thank you and I couldn't have done it better, putting him in his place." she whispers. But only her first words, so Reece can hear the rest. I smile at her method, this will only irritate her brother more. Good, I like it.

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