The Birth of The Two Little Karissa's May 1, 2295 .

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Exactly 20 years to the very date that Lady Karissa gave birth to Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and it Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane twentieth birthday on May 1, 2295,  both mother and daughter into labor

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Exactly 20 years to the very date that Lady Karissa gave birth to Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and it Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane twentieth birthday on May 1, 2295, both mother and daughter into labor.

It is Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane's first birth, and Lady Karissa 's final birth as she is 44 years and from the age of 20 to 44 years she has given birth to 7 children, five with Lord Andrew Charles Howard, two with Lord Richard William Carey, and her final with Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third.

Lady Karissa has five daughters and three sons all together, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane being the oldest and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann being the youngest.

Lady Karissa's oldest son is even 17 years old and Lady Sophia Charlotte is not even five years old.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third paces back and forth along with Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard William Carey and they look at him " If anything happens to Lady Karissa . I will make our father minus one of his sons." Lord Andrew Charles Howard threatens him .

"You have a damn wife, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third. I could understand why Lady Karissa did it for our second cousin, but you have a wife." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

"It was Lady Karissa 's decision." Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third states, "Just as it was hers to have our second cousins two beautiful children.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior is 86 years old and he tells his two sons, " Pipe down, I have lived to see my first great-grandchild be born but I won't be here to see my youngest grandchild be born."

"Lady Frederica Wilhelmina needs a husband worthy of her and nothing less than a Duke or Marquess will do." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "She will inherit the Dukedom of York from me."

"Father. There is Lord William Somerset, he had a son, Lord Edward and he is the heir to the Dukedom of Beaufort on Star Base 12, and there is Lord Christopher Neville, he is the heir to the Dukedom of Westmoreland Territory on Star Base 10." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"There is Lord Richard Fitzroy, the son and heir to the Duke of Grafton on Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

"Their sons are two years older than Lady Frederica Wilhelmina ." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Make sure she receives a grand wedding fitting the Duke of York and The Former Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR asks.

Lord David William Beck walks out " Listen here Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, I am your damn first cousin as I am the first cousin of Lord Andrew Charles and second cousin of Lord Richard William Carey, but this must stop. Lady Karissa is 44 years old. " Lord David William explains "She has other children to take care of."

"I know, Lord David William Beck. Try to explain that to Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

Lady Karissa walks out and she is heavily pregnant

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