Chapter Seven: Dark Endeavors

Start from the beginning

"That would make sense." I kept my practiced mens' voice, both to annoy him and for security.

"Aren't you cold in that?" The rogue turned briefly from looking at the road to point out my dripping clothing.

"No. It's almost dry," I lied. The shudder that tried to force its way down my spine almost gave me away, but I suppressed it.

"Uh-huh," He chuckled unbelievingly. "So where are you headed, mama?"

"Stop calling me that," I sighed. It was impossibly stuffy inside the small car, and it felt like the sides were closing in on me. Now wasn't the moment to be claustrophobic, though, so I leaned my head against the frosted window. "D.C."

The man whistled. "That's pretty far. Lucky for you, I'm actually headed to New York."

I just let my head nod in response. The sudden warmth of the car triggered the part of my brain that demanded sleep. Drowsiness swept over me like the waves that crashed over the rocks of Maine. My eyes fluttered closed for a second, giving myself the pleasure of darkness until I realize that I was in a car with a total stranger.

"It's okay, mama. You can sleep."

Maybe it was that I was already partly asleep, or just because this guy pressed his hand over my eyes, but I let the car rock me into a calm sleep.


"Thank you." I awoke a few hours ago, when we were already nearing New York. Last time I passed by here, it was dark, and we rode on the moonlit streets. Now, with this Rogue, I could see the towering buildings that disappeared above the clouds. I could look at the reflecting waters that were under the bridges we rode over.

We were now at the train station in the center of New York, by passers shouldering their way to their destination. Not one of them stopped to look at me, not one noticed that I am not a man.

"No problem. You'll want to take the bullet train A36, which leaves in five minutes. It stops pretty close to D.C., so you're really lucky."

"Bullet train..." I had forgotten that bullet trains were now all over the world, too. The Rogue flashed me a smile that shone bright and white, illuminating his ebony skin. He began to run off, then turned around to wave me goodbye one last time.

"So, see you around, Chrissy!" I finally ran off, leaving me flabbergasted.

I wanted to yell back at him, but it was too dangerous, and he was too far away. I never told you my name, Rogue.


It didn't take very long to reach Washington D.C. It was pretty obvious as to how to reach the Whitehouse, also. What wasn't so easy or fast was finding a way to blend in with the rest of the men. I was still wearing my salt covered clothes that pinched when I walked from last night, and my hair reeked of fish. It's like no one ever saw a dirty tourist before, jeez. I was just about to turn a corner when a man approached me.

"Excuse me, sir." I turned around to face the tall, lanky man. "But could you direct me to the public area of the park?"

"Pardon me?" It goes without saying that I was baffled. Who did this man think I was? I couldn't help but think to myself, a man, I hope.

"Well," his light skin tone became flushed around his cheeks and neck out of embarrassment. "You are the head gardener, or no?"

"Actually-" I was about to tell him that he was mistaken when a light bulb flashed above my head. "No I am not. I start today. 'Just got here myself, you see, so I have no clue where anything is." I rubbed the back of my head in an attempted to look abashed. "So if you will please forgive me, I must really get going." I gave him a two-fingered salute off my forehead, then began to walk away.

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