Chapter Six: Cold Reality

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Blindly, I kicked back with the heel of my foot. I hit home, and the person who had me gave out and toppled to the ground. I crashed on top of him, the back my head hitting what felt like his nose. I scrambled to pin him down with my knees and one arm, then lifted a fist to punch him. My fist connected with a sickening smack of the cheek, the bone hitting my knuckles. I raised my fist again to strike and this time aimed for the nose, but this time I took my time to look at his face and stopped, shock freezing and tensing my muscles.

The man had his mouth hung open at an awkward angle, small tears of pain collecting at the corner of his eyes. The blonde hair that shielded his forehead glinted in the shadows.

The strawberry blonde hair.

I sat back against the man’s thighs and sighed.

He didn’t say anything, just stared at me while trying to pop his jaw back into place. After he did, a small smile forced its way on his lips. “Pretty good reaction time, Chrissy. Could have done without the dislocation, though.” He massaged his jaw. A bruise began to bloom right where the jaw connected to his head, right near his ear. “I have to admit though, it was a good hit.”

“I know.” I smiled as my heart calmed down. I got up from his body and helped him up. “Stupid Aaron. Always thinking that he’ll get the best of me.” I grunted at I put all my body strength into lifting him up. “So what happened with Xavier and the police?”

“They left.” Something sparked in his eyes, even through the dark.

“Really? No one got caught?”


I smiled. “That’s great!”

“No, Chrissy, I don’t think you’re getting it. They left.”

“I know they-”

“All of them.”

“Huh?” I scrunched my eyebrows together, confused to the core.

“The police. They left.” He paused a little, contemplating how to say what he needed to next. “With Xavier.”

“What, why?” My hands tensed, itching to punch something, anything. Suddenly, my thoughts flashed back just a few minutes before.

“No! I’m not going to cover for you again. I’m done with this.”

“Can’t you wait to be done with this after we get off this stupid island?”


Aaron snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Chrissy?” I ignored him and just focused my eyes to the water that glinted through the window, trying to let my anger subside. “Hey, Chrissy!” He snapped his fingers in my face again. When I looked at Aaron, he had a somewhat smug smile on his face. “You miss him.”


“You miss Pretty Boy.”

“No, I’m just pissed off.” I then mumbled to myself, “I’m going to have to leave sooner than I thought…” I then looked back at Aaron. “You never answered why he left.”

“Well, he said something about wanting to leave but it was too dark out, then one of the cops offered him a ride, and poof! He was gone.”

I nodded my head once, a firm shake. “Figures. Well, I’m going to have to leave in about two days then.” I yawned. “And I’m tired.”

“Well, go to bed then. Oh, and Kevin is going back into the room.”

“M’k, cool.” We began walking back to the hatch, and I let Aaron pass through first. We walked back to the room I was to sleep in and we paused at the door. “Thanks, Aaron.”

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