The Rings of Power

Start from the beginning

"Sounds good. But there is one problem. How do you make sure that only the black riding hood will take the fake mission instead of other warriors or mercenaries? And we also don't know when the black riding hood will come to the abandoned fortress." asked Brendan.

"Well....ummm...That is a really good question, Brendan. I have no idea." Said Renard.

"We can't capture the black riding hood unless we solve this problem." Said Brendan.

Suddenly, William, David and Ryo came. Seeing the two pokemon, William greeted them.

"Hi. How is it going guys? I heard from Rowley that you two fell asleep in the guild." Said William.

"Yeah, we were waiting to ambush the black riding hood but he did not come." Said Renard.

"Well, if you want to capture the black riding hood, you can't use the same trick twice. The black riding hood already knows that you are waiting for him." Said Ryo.

"Ah, Ryo. Perfect timing. We have already devised a plan. We will post a fake S rank mission to lure the black riding hood into a fortress. We just don't know how to make sure that the black riding hood will take the mission." Said Brendan.

"Easy. Just write on the mission paper that there is a criminal gang leader who wants to challenge the black riding hood to a fight at 10 in the morning. That way, other mercenaries and warriors will not take the mission, and you two know exactly when the black riding hood will come." Said Ryo.

"Oh my, why didn't I think of that? By the way, thank you for your suggestion." said Brendan.

"You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me, me and David are going to do a mission." Said Ryo.

And thus, Brendan and Renard posted a fake S rank mission on the job bulletin board. The two waited until Saturday, but predictably, the black riding hood did not take the mission because the warrior already knew that the mission was fake. The black riding hood was not stupid.

"Brendan, I think the black riding hood knows the mission is fake. He is smarter than I thought..." said Renard, on a Saturday afternoon.

"You're right. I will ask Ryo for another solution to this problem." Said Brendan.

"Where is that Riolu?!" asked Renard.

Ryo was nowhere near the guild; he was at Alicia's house. Because there was no school on Saturday, Alicia was free the whole day. Lucky for Alicia, her parents were not at home on Saturday, so every Saturday, Ryo went to Alicia's house and occupied himself with Alicia's alchemy set. Coming from a family of scholars and scientists, Alicia had a private alchemy lab in his house. Despite being a beginner, Ryo could skilfully do some basic techniques of alchemy such as distillation, and even crafting potions and poisons. This Saturday, Ryo was trying to craft a paralysis poison, and his attempt seemed to be successful.

"Ryo, how come you are already this good at alchemy? You can't possibly be a beginner!" said Alicia.

"I don't know. Maybe it is just talent. Dad said my mom, who is a Gradevoir, is really good at alchemy, so I guess I got it from my mother." Explained Ryo.

"Did you perhaps receive basic training in alchemy from your mother?" asked Alicia.

"Nope. My mom died three days after giving birth to me." Said Ryo.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that Ryo..." said Alicia.

"Aaand I'm done! Oh boy, I'm curious to see if the poison will work. Maybe I should try using this poison on criminals when I'm doing a mission. And by the way, I'm hungry...." Said Ryo.

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