🤎Now that you're gone...🤎

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Now that you're gone where do I go?
Now that you're gone who do I go to?

How am I supposed to find my light?
How am I supposed to find my love again?

As the days and nights go by, I can only think about one thing
I can't get you out of my head,

But oh I wish I could
You were like a song I could listen to for hours on end

You were like a shooting star, you were my shooting star
Now that you're gone who am I supposed to love now?

Now that you're gone who am I supposed to cry to?
I lay in my room on late nights wondering

I lay in my room during the day wondering

"Where did I go wrong?"
"What happened to us?"

Now that you're gone I'm slowly losing myself
Now that you're gone I'm slowly going back to my old ways

But, maybe just maybe going back to my old ways won't be so bad.
Maybe if I just forget about you I'll feel better about myself

Maybe if I get you out of my head I won't feel this type of pain
I loved everything about you no matter what you were either doing or rather going through

You were my soulmate, my best friend, and my love
But now you're gone.

Now that you're gone there's no going back. There's no begging you to stay
Because if I beg you to stay things will only get worse and I'll lose myself again.

So. I'll let you leave leave me, you...us. Leave it all behind without looking back.
Now that you're gone. I'm gone too...

And I'm sorry.

~There were roughly about 265 words in this "Chapter"-Noah/Void/Ibuki~

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