You balk at him, fighting the urge to fan your heated cheeks. "It's hot in here. Are you hot?" Satan laughs again, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, knowing ho his words affected you. "Of course I am, but I think you're hotter." He leads you to the storefront, gesturing at the checkout desk. 

"After you, kitten. Then, we'll head home."

In the evening, after dinner's over, you go up to Satan's room to fulfil your promise. Satan knows it's you as soon as you tap on his door, calling for you to come in. His emerald gaze drags over your body, clad in an oversized shirt and little shorts, from your feet all the way to your face. Standing at the door and feeling a little shy, you nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, eyes flicking round his room as you worry at your lip. "What is it?"

Satan seemingly snaps out of his trance and blinks. The corners of his lips pull up as he beckons for you to come over with a crook of his finger, eyes never leaving your face. "Nothing. Come on over."

Your steps toward his are unusually small. Satan arches a brow. "Having second thoughts?" You shake your head furiously, feeling your cheeks heat. "No way." 

"Then what're you waiting for?" He reaches over, closing the distance between you, hand encircling your wrist to pull you down into his lap. You stiffen considerably, heart rate picking up as he slides his arms around you. You take the book from him with trembling hands and skim the pages for a good scene. The only thing on your mind being how close he is to you, and the fact that your can feel his every shallow, warm breath on the back of your neck. When you've found what you're looking for, your quickly hand the book to him. "This one," you whisper. You barely notice him opening the book and announce that he's going to start reading, till his voice is vibrating pleasantly against you, sending tingles erupting over your skin in the form of goosebumps. 

"His brows drew together, jaw clenched, lined with stubble." Satan reads. "His hand slowly slid over his bare chest and came to rest over where his hear would be. I wondered if it was beating, just as hard as mine was. His eyes darted over to me. A beautiful, bottomless emerald green, flecked with gold that seemed to draw me in,  filled with confusion and panic. The longer they lingered on me, the underlying hint of lust grew stronger in them by the second." Satan pauses to look at you. Your breath hitches as you stare into his eyes, exactly like the ones he'd just described, except all the more entrancing in real life. 

Flustered, you tear you eyes away, fighting the urge to tease him by grinding down on him. "Keep reading."

"Hmm." Satan cocks his head, but does as you order. "'Are you alright? You look rather pale.' I stole a peek over my shoulder. 'I'm fine, thank you very much. But you, sir, don't look too good yourself. Could it be because I've stolen your heart with my charm?''' Satan's voice lowers to a purr as he reads the dialogue, his gaze weighty on your skin. You do all you can to not look a him, knowing full well he wants to see your face and revel in the satisfaction that you're affected by him.

He flips several pages ahead and continues, the tremor in his voice barely detectable, even as he reads out the dirty words. '"Give me a reason to leave,'' he whispered as his hands found my hips. I could tell he was restraining himself, but his burning lengt I shook my head furiously, looking up at him with begging eyes. 'I don't want you to leave. Stay.' Then his mouth was on mine, our tongues tangling in a rush of frantic desire. Desperate, yet thorough. Hard, yet passionate. Our bodies curled together until there was nothing but a flimsy line of fabric between us. 'I thought about this all damn day,' he groaned. 'What I wanted to do to you.'"

After that, Satan doesn't continue reading. At the same time, your eyes lock, electricity passing between your gazes. You hold your body, extremely still as you come to realise he's hard under you, your chests rising and falling rapidly in tandem. His eyes dip to your mouth, and he bites his lip. No matter how much you long to bridge the gap between you, you still have your promise to fulfil. Lips tugging up, you murmur to him in a low voice, taking the book from his hands and snapping it shut. "You've completed your dare, and so will I." 

Satan realises he has to be the one to make the first move, since you stubbornly won't. Without hesitation, he grabs your chin and captures your mouth with his. You toss the book onto his nightstand and wrap your arms around his neck, his hands sliding down your waist to grip your thighs. Briefly, he pulls away, breathing heavily. "Actually, there's something I wanted to know."

"Yes?" Your voice is breathy, barely above a whisper.

Satan's eyes are lidded as he stares deep into your eyes. "Why read these? Simply because you enjoy the smut?"

You flush. "I already told you, didn't I? There's a storyline, too--"

"Hmm." Satan eyes you sceptical, eyes glinting with amusement. "I'd actually like to think you indulge in these, for...sexual gratification. Would I be wrong to say so? My brothers rile you up all the time." He hit the nail on the head there. Your eyes flit away from his face as your cheeks grow redder, a telltale sign of the truth. that's definitely not true," you argue. Humming quietly, he brushes his thumb over your bottom lip, making you shiver. "Really? Then I suppose since the challenge is complete, I have no further business with you." 

"Nope, nope nope." You protest, arms tightening around his neck. You pull him close, till your foreheads touch. "You're staying right here."

"That's what I thought," he says, a touch of triumph in his tone. "Why read smut when you have me to fulfil your every desire?" 

"Really?" You ask teasingly.

Satan nods, a lock of hair falling into his eyes as he smirks. You both fall back against the pillows as your lips meet his. "Really, my kitten. To prove it to you, shall we start by recreating that scene I just read?"

 To prove it to you, shall we start by recreating that scene I just read?"

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