Chapter 4

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There is a certain look that people get when they assume no one is watching them.

I knew Charlotte would have that look, starring at the image she looks so beautiful, biting her bottom lip as she plays with a lock of her hair. She thought because I didn't have the camera in my hands that I wasn't shooting.

"That looks good."

It's actually my favorite one so far, trust me it wasn't in my plans to come take her picture. I wasn't even supposed to be here but when I heard how long this shoot was taking I had to come and see for myself what's taking so long.

Don't know why she was tense; she's done these things before.

I flip to the other images and stop on the one she had one leg hiked up. "This is the one I liked." She leans closer, her breath tickling my neck.

"I liked the other one better, you caught me when I wasn't looking and managed to capture my most sensual look."

"Agreed, your eyes were captivating in that one." Too many compliments.

"Is this how it's going to be?" she asks a little closer than before.

Turning to face her, our faces an inch apart. "What do you mean?" she tries her hardest not to roll her eyes.

"If we are going to work together at least stop acting like you don't want to be here."

"But I don't want to be here." That has her pulling back. "Having you in my personal space upsets me."

"I thought we had moved passed it."

Getting a little irritated, I get up on my feet. "Why does everyone think they can tell me what and how to feel? As if I can just pack up my feelings in a bag when I'm done using them."

"That's not what I meant," her frown deepens. "I'm just trying to make our working arrangement bearable."

"Next time do your job then, so that you can leave as soon as possible." She opens her mouth to say something when P'Van walks in with a bounce in her step. I take my seat and focus on my task. "P'Van will get in touch with your assistant, you can have tomorrow's shoot in the morning and then will have a meeting with the director, and the stylist about the costume of the film."

She's still glaring at me.

"Ugh, tomorrow morning can't work."

"P'Van I'm tired, whatever is there cancel it and have Miss Austin fit into the schedule."

The glare finally leaves me as she walks with P'Van out of the room. I need to stop allowing my temper get the best of me when she's around.

I think I know what image will have on the cover.

Getting the creative team to start working on it tonight, I call it a day. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood.

The truth is I am annoyed at how she left me in Phuket without even a note saying how thankful she was to me for opening my warm bed to her. She just left, took advantage of me once again. And then she thinks she can just walk in here and take her precious time as if she's the only one needed for this.

The next morning I'm filled with happiness. Flowers floating around, it's a total beauty. Just me enjoying my mangoes while listening to some music.

The door opens and P'Van walks in with wide eyes. Before I can say something to that, Sarah walks in. that's why she looks like she's been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Plastering a smile for them.

"Sarah, what a surprise."

"P'fa the others are settling in the board room waiting for the meeting to be begin."

"Is Charlotte done already?" her eyes are becoming bigger and from the scoff coming out of Sarah's lips I realize why she didn't want charlotte's schedule moved.

"Thank you P'Van, I'll be there."

"So you're not going to see me, I came all the way to see you."

"Today seemed to have gotten packed." Picking up my jacket and throwing it on. She steps closer her hand sliding around my waist.

"You look pretty." She says.

"Thank you."

We start to walk out as she tells me to make plans for our dinner, she will have something planned. Wish P'Sun was here to help me out but I gave him on a one-week vacation, so he could do his own thing because his always with me 24/7 and I kind of felt like it's a needed time for him to take some time off.

Sarah decides to walk me down the hall, and has we approach the room, Charlotte comes into view. She is talking animatedly with Heidi.

"I see it's the all crew." Sarah says under her breath.


"Hey everyone?" she calls to Heidi who waves back. And just as they are about to leave and I am to say bye to her. Sarah plants a kiss on my lips. "See you tonight." Turning to walk in, I'm met with Charlotte glaring at Sarah and me.

"is the meeting outside?"

Rolling her eyes, she enters the room.

And I thought this day will be fantastic.


So we have a few samples of what they are trying to do in order to incorporate Thai culture. Someone had a brilliant idea to have Heidi and Tina try these clothes out. It's the second set of outfits and my mind is elsewhere.

"I keep seeing the same patterns." Flipping through the design sketches in front of me. "That dress looks like it's about to fall off her body." Everyone looks at charlotte for input, "Don't look at her, you all have eyes and only had one job to do."

"Sorry but Engfa is right, these dresses are not comfortable and not representing the characters. Right Tina?" she turns to her co-star and they both share the same views.

Leaning back, charlotte still hasn't said anything so I continue with my ranting. She can chip in if the need arises. And what is she looking at? "Alright if this is everything then it's safe to say will revisit this tomorrow." With that said Charlotte gets up and walks out of the room, her assistant falling her footsteps.

Glad that went well.

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