Chapter 2

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I haven't seen Engfa for a while and I thought the day I will have to sit in a room with her I'll be better at controlling my emotions. But clearly I'm not over what happened a month ago, if it wasn't for Nawat and his crazy ideas I wouldn't be here. But Nawat has a good head for business, and in business there are no personal feelings.

"Did I miss anything?" making myself comfortable. Engfa hasn't looked my way since I sat down, not that I noticed.

Nawat is smirking, looking between us. He goes through everything that we all know but also didn't know. I'm supposed to be the face of Waraha Magazine meaning working close with Engfa for a few days I believe. What I hate is that I will have to run my design by her for the film costume. Since this film is set in periodic time, I have so many ideas about that but it dims away once I think about who will be sitting opposite me throughout this process.

"I'm alright with everything, ready if you are."

Engfa signs the contracts, gets a copy for herself and starts to say her goodbyes.

"Well it was lovely." She smiles at Nawat as they start to whisper something. They are really close and I know that's the only reason she signed.

Leaning back in my chair, my eyes truck her legs in her short skirt and...she's defiantly not wearing a shirt underneath that jacket. Someone touches my shoulder breaking my stare. P'Toe is smiling at me. I roll my eyes and get ready to leave as well. I have a meeting at Novotel hotel at 6pm.

"I'm sure P'Sun will get back to you on the schedule because I don't know how long they will be in town." He says.

"Yeahhh I'm not worried about that, if there is something I know for sure is that Engfa doesn't play around when it comes to work." He nods and we get up. I pass my greetings to Nawat and I run out of there.

I manage not to run into Engfa at the MGI Phuket branch. Worst thing would be me being stuck with her in an elevator.

Laughing to myself.

That is so silly.

As if the day couldn't go any worse. Rain had to start pouring during my meeting and I thought maybe it will pass. Only now it's raining cats and dogs. The meeting ended thirty minutes ago and I'm stuck here with frozen fingers and cold ears.

The only choice at this point is to book a room and get some warmth. My phone buzzes in my pocket. Hope its good news.

"Are you still at the hotel?" P'Toe asks from the other end.


"Alright well I just found that someone you know has a room in that hotel, you maybe crush with them for the night because the weather focus said there is some kind of storm I think. Nawat would kill me if something happened to you so I need you safe."

My heart rate is beating. The hairs behind my neck are alert like a ghost is sneaking up on me. He better not be talking about who I am guessing it to be.

"Who is it?"

"P'fa." This is what I get for miss judging the weather. "I'll send you her room number and floor."

"Whatever I just want to get out of this cold."

Immediately I receive the text I takeoff to the elevators. I can picture myself under some blankets and a warm tea. And then I can sleep like a baby, I'm considering this as practice for when we actually get to work together.

Four knocks are how many it takes for her to open the door. I want to give her a piece of my mind but when the she swings it open wearing Dora the explorer pajamas, the shirt not buttoned exposing her abdomen, I forget what I was going to say.

"What do you want?" she asks with a neutral face.

"You know I was coming."

She stands there for a second before stepping away and lets me get in. maybe the lobby isn't a bad idea. I pull my coat off because it feels cold and cover myself with a small blanket on the sofa. Engfa heads to the mini kitchen and starts making something.

Answering my emails, a hand slides under my view holding a steamy cup. Tossing my phone on the side I take it from her. "Thank you." She just strode back to the kitchen. After a few seconds I feel eyes on me so I look up, her eyes meet mine. I don't know what she has to say because tonight Engfa is hiding it well.

"I'm heading to bed; you can join or you can sleep on the cold sofa." She starts walking away while still talking. "Already led out the blankets for you, that is if you decide to take the sofa." She slowly walks into her room making sure to close the door behind her so that she could hear me once I make my decision.

So it's either I sleep here or there?

Chuckling at the pajamas. Definitely not what I had pictured her sleeping in.

Thirty minutes later, my tea is gone and I am comfortably sleeping on the sofa. Well, as comfortable as it can get.

A loud thunder jerks me awake. I try to hide under the covers but it only gets louder. My heart is beating fast, sweat on the back of my neck. Tilting my neck towards the closed door, I pinch my skin because I want to go inside. I know she's scared of thunderstorms, more so than myself.

Sighing heavily, I walk to the bedroom. Engfa doesn't turn when I open the door I don't bother closing it just in case I want to sneak out when it gets too awkward. The room is dark with only the television light illuminating the room. She was watching the Lion King; the surprises keep coming.

Scoffing I lift the covers to slip in. thunder shakes the Ceiling and I feel like it's in this room. Moving closer to Engfa, I feelher tense as I get closer. She's shaking like a broken leaf. Slipping my handaround her waist I pull her close and she falls into me. I can feel that theshaking has lessened so I bury my face in the crock of her neck and try to getsome sleep.

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