38 3 3

(I have managed to fill up a grand total of 3 irl notebooks with this stuff-) 

x's pov

X didn't want to have to do this, but he was running out of options. Taking a deep breath, he pulled out his fancy admin com and typed a new message. 

Broadcast: to all

Xisumavoid <I regret to tell you this but I think I might have just let an interworld criminal escape me.> sent 23 09

Dream< Context.> sent 23 10

Noxcrew <Tell mojang!> sent 23 10

Xisumavoid<Noxcrew, I don't know where he is now. So that might not be of the most use. But still, it's worth a try.> sent 23 13

(Those are the only 3 I imagine to be up at that time lol) 

chat with: jeb_

X scrolled through jebs profile to check that he was allowed. (Yes, he was a stickler for the rules even at quarter past eleven.) This was the description- 

Please only talk to me if it is urgent. I get a lot of messages, and my com storage is slowly dying. Thank you. 

Did this count as urgent?


He drew in a long breath and typed. 

<Dear jeb, 

Unsure what to say, he paused, then deleted it and restarted. 

<Hey Jeb, 

No, that sounded like they were old friends.

<To jeb, 

That sounded like a letter! 


That was good. 

<Jeb, I have some information that may be of use to you. You may know that a few months ago, four players, came into the server, out of nowhere. Today, one of them killed one of my members, and he still hasn't respawned. 

(I have a head cannon that the more powerful the weapon, the longer it takes to respawn.)

Looking at the evidence, I have concluded, that the person was no other than the criminal Grain Escent, who has somehow escaped from Limited. Somehow he got away, and is not on my world nor limited. 

I thought you might want this information. >

Was this really the right thing to do? Yes, he was a criminal, but he had also brought a unique joy to the  server for a little bit. 

But he had killed people in his past. Nothing could make that right. 

Sent 23 28

Almost immediately, he got back a reply. 

But it wasn't from jeb. 

It was from the person he least expected to get an answer from. 

F whip 

F whip< x could we talk privately in a bit?> 

Unsure why, he replied with a yes. 

Just as they were going to talk, he head a crashing outside his door. Sighing, he got up to investigate, and saw one of the children. 


Another sigh from our poor admin. 

Can you guess who that is? 

Ofc you can. 

" bEEeeEeee..." he  at long last said. "It's the middle of the night?" 

"I know. Do you think I can't see? And I"-he stamped on the ground- "can't" -stamp- "sleep!" stamp 

you have no idea how much fun it is to write theese two derps- 

Wc- only 316! I'm dyyyyyying. 

Truth- trust pt.2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora