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Roleplay Book ~ OC Book ❤️

Please read all of the rules ❤️

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Please read all of the rules ❤️

1. Don't be rude, if I don't feel comfortable in a certain situation that we are rp-ing do not get pissed off.

2. Do not control my oc. You do your oc and my love interest and I do my oc and your love interest.

3. If you just gonna control your li ( love interest ) and stuff then there's no point in a rp.

4. Don't make the scenario be all about you. Don't surround yourself into everything. If so, I'm just gonna end it right there.

5. If your part is longer than my part, and I only got 1 or 2 sentences, then I'mma do it to you too, or gonna end it.


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6. On starters, we do both sides, not you doing only your side and stuff.

Example: Apple was looking at the orange as it fell from the tree, the fruit didn't know what to do so it stayed.

The chicken saw a duck as it clucked, making the duck quack and run away as they both yeeted.

Non Example: Apple was looking at the orange as it fell from the tree, the fruit didn't know what to do so it stayed.

Sometimes I make a background and setting to it, you don't have to but I do it. We each take turn, if you started and we timeskip then I will do it next since you already did it.

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