Chapter 1

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A/N: I apologise for any grammar mistakes or wrong use of words, or if I mess up the order of the words- oh, you get me! I'm not native, so that's a good enough excuse for my imperfect English, I think.

"Rooooosie!" Joseph called from the balcony, looking for his youngest daughter.

"Yeah, dad?" she answered, looking up from her flowers in the garden.

"I forgot how to use this stupid laundry machine again."

Rosa tried not to laugh, but ended up giggling on her way to the laundry room.

"How could you forget? We bought it a month ago!" she exclaimed in between laughs.

"Your youngster smartass machines don't make any sense at all. And Jess usually does the laundry." Joseph seemed very annoyed.

He managed to load the washing powder into the machine, but not more than that. The buttons just weren't doing its thing. It was such a drag.

"It's a classic washing machine. Our previous one was just really old and you were used to it."

"Yeah, you've got a point. So, could you please help me with the buttons?" Joseph sighed. Life did not prepare him for this.

"I'll grab a piece of paper and write down an instruction." Rosa pushed herself from the wall with her hand and went away to another room.

"Rosie, you're making me feel like an old man who doesn't know what a stove is." he ran a hand through his dark ginger hair with frustration visible in his expression.

"You're not an old man, dad, you're forty eight!" she shouted from the other room, digging through her pencil case to find a red pencil and a black pen lying on the table.

Rosa grabbed a piece of paper and the pens and stormed into the laundry room once again, to find her father standing there impatiently, with arms crossed.

She placed the paper against the wall, drew buttons after looking at the right ones for a second and labeled each one of them with numbers. Joseph took it from her hands and tried to understand.

"Thanks, Rosie, I think I get it now." he smiled a little and glanced at the buttons on the machine again.

"Do you really have to call me Rosie? I'm nine already." Rosa placed her hands on her hips and asked.

"Does Sarah really have to call me Pepe? I'm over forty now!" Joseph chuckled and shrugged.

"I like Pepe better than Joseph." Rosa giggled and prepare for the worst.

"I-" he was in a good mood, but that silly nickname really pissed him off. "Rosalinda!"

He bent down and jokingly poked his daughter in the shoulder with another end of a broom used to peacefully stand behind him.

"Aaaah Kiki! I'm getting attacked!" Rosa yelled at a closed door of a silent bedroom in the hallway while laughing uncontrollably.

The door opened and Erica stepped out, wrapped up in a blanket, though it wasn't really cold outside. Joseph's second daughter.

He stopped and laughed a little, placing the broom back to its place.

Erica chuckled at the scene and came closer to drag Rosa out by covering her with the blanket and pulling back.

"What's going on here?" she asked in a low voice and uncovered Rosa to let her answer.

"Nothing much, we were just playing. You're cold again, aren't you, Kiki?" Joseph came a bit closer to the kids and asked, a hint of worry coming out with his voice.

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