Voices and Unwanted Questions

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As the day was fading into the night, the students were getting ready with their last classes so they could eat dinner and Lorelai was with Draco and he was talking about their future together which Crabbe and Goyle got jealous of because they had a huge crush on Lorelai, while hearing this talk they wanted to beat Draco silly but figured not to because they do not want to upset their darling Lorelai. 

Lorelai was semi laughing but her face turned cold after she heard a chilling voice that was clear as day in her head and her bracelet was glowing, and she felt her eyes turn green so she told Draco she would be back, and he wanted to go with her, but he didn't because Lorelai said she has to go alone.

"Let me Kill you,KILL!KILL!KILL!"Its time."

Lorelai felt her body heat up while she got closer to the voice and saw visions of some type of chamber that she hasn't seen before, and she saw two crests. And she felt the closer she got the more her body and head would hurt but she continued on anyway.   

Lorelai saw spiders feeling everywhere and she could still hear voices, but her eyes fully turned green, and she saw the golden trio. 

Ron:"I don't Like....What's that?"

Hermione: "The Chamber of secrets has been opened......enemies of the heir or heiress ...beware 'It's written in blood.  

Lorelai saw the cat and everybody else came and Draco saw Lorelai and took her hand and she semi smiled but Draco could tell something was wrong and he looked at the wall and read the words out loud. 

Draco: "Enemies of the heir or heiress beware! 'You'll be next Mudbloods!"

Draco said that while looking directly at Hermione and flinch was screaming at harry for murdering poor Mrs. Norris  

Dumbeldore:"Argus! Argus, I Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately. Everyone except ......you four." She's not dead She has been petrified.  

Snape was about to speak when he saw Lorelai expression and he was worried for her not caring about the golden trio he raced to her in intense speed checking if she was okay and that was a shock to the golden trio but they thought as a Slytherin and Lorelai being a part of his house he should care but that's not the case, and then  they remembered  in their first year Snape is Lorelai godfather so it's natural for him to care of her before anybody else. 

Snape said he was taking Lorelai to the hospital wing because she had a fever and he left with his black robes following behind him with Lorelai and Lockhart said to the teachers that he could have saved Mrs. Norris if only he was there but while saying that he got questionable looks from many of the teachers. 

Hermione: "It's a bit strange, isn't it?"

Harry: "Strange?"

Hermione: "You hear this voice, a voice only I think you and Lorelai can hear and then Mrs. Norris turns up petrified.......it's strange. 

Ron:Lorelai looked paler then usually, I think we should talk to her. 

Hermione: We would have to wait when Draco isn't near her.

they all agreed and left to go in their dorms and went to sleep, now you have Lorelai in the hospital wing, and she was having a nightmare and Thing came and tapped to wake her up and she did.

Lorelai;I need to talk to my parents, cause this whole thing that is happening to me is different and not in a different way that I would usually like.

Thing made a thumbs up and Lorelai sighed and layed back down and slowly started to go back to sleep.....

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