Family Jealousy and bonding

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The Addams woke up to the screams of the youngest child.Of course Grandmama was the first to hear her calling and raced all the way up stairs to see what happened to her little Monster.

Lorelai just wanted her diaper changed and Grandmama saw that Lorelai looked exactly like Morticia,

The little baby was a force to be reckoned with, You would be a fool to try and change this little dark angel.

Grandmama showed fester the baby and he immediately loved her, Wensenday wanted to spend time with her baby sister and was slowly getting upset because her grandmama was taking away her little sister attention.

Grandmama didn't want to Let go of Lorelai.... It was like if she let go of the baby then she would loose her sanity and she didn't want that to happen.

Wednesday wanted her sister and took her away from Grandmama... And that made her glare at her eldest granddaughter in anger.

Wednesday didn't care about her grandmother death stare and took her baby sister outside where they sat on a dusty old tree that was alive.

Wednesday:Your a really quite baby... I didn't like how our grandmother was taking your attention all to herself.

Lorelai could understand what her sister was saying.... she didn't care honestly because she was thinking of her sister in a, electric chair getting her Brain fried.

Wednesday:Can you say Wednesday.


Wednesday smirked that was her little sister first word so she carefully pinched Lorelai cheek with her sharp pointy red painted nails

Wednesday's reaction to her little sister saying her name made her feel complete... She actually smiled a heart warming grin.... Maybe being a big sister wasn't going to be so bad after all.

Pugsley was furious he hated how Wednesday got almost everything she wanted because she was the oldest and the only girl... But now that their is a new baby in the house who is a female he wanted to give her attention and teach her all about the different types of explosives.

Pugsley needed his sister's attention as if he needed air so he tricked Wednesday into thinking her pet octopus named Socrates was dying.

That tricked only worked for a little while and he quickly took Lorelai away from the tree and took her to his room and sat on the floor in silence but he could hear his older sister looking for Lorelai but could also hear the worry in her voice and it made him laugh in victory.

Pugsley:I'm your older brother pugsley you know the cool sibling, try to say my name Lore, hey that will be your nickname from now on.

Lorelai didn't know why her older siblings wanted her attention so badly she can't really speak properly and don't even get her started on standing or crawling.

Lorelai: Ugsely

Pugsley picked up his sister and did a small light head bump with her and made her tiny hands in a fist and holded it up to his medium fist and gentle pulled her baby hand to his to do a fist bump.

Lorelai heard a noise and saw her older sister but she looked angry and Lorelai thought it was going to be a homicide, Wednesday strangled pugsley saying he should have never but his nasty hands on Lorelai.... And that he doesn't know how to take care of a baby.

Lorelai:Ugsely and Nesday fighting.... Yay (d)eath day.

Lorelai said pugsley and Wednesday fighting yay death day thinking that one of her siblings will die and they thought the little baby in front of them loved one sibling then the other and heard their parents call them for dinner.

Wednesday didn't want her brother picking up Lorelai so she gently picked her up and layed Lorelai on her chest and ran out of pugsley smelly room and went to the Hall where dinner starts.

Lurch finally got to see his new young mistress as Gomez took her away and sat her on his lap.... Lurch thought the baby wouldn't give him to much trouble like the older siblings.

Morticia: Lorelei looks dead.

Gomez:She must be tired,did you kids do something to make her not want to eat.

Wednesday:We were playing but it so happens that pugsley took her away from me.

Pugsley:I'm tired of you getting all the attention, Lorelei shouldn't have to see your ghostly face everyday

Wednesday's glared at her brother and pulled out a Axe but it was taken away by Morticia.

Morticia:No weapons at the table unless your throwing them at your father.

Lorelei slowly went to sleep in her highchair and lurch took her to her room to sleep leaving everybody to eat their dinner in anger/sadness and jealousy because lruch touched her and took her away with his Disgusting decaying hands.

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