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It was the day that Percy was both looking forward to and dreading at the same time. It was his wedding day. He got up that morning and Artemis and Athena were not in bed or the house. They had gone to Aphrodite's home so they could get ready for the wedding. Artemis and Athena had stopped dreading asking Aphrodite for help at this point.

Aphrodite had become a lot less annoying. She was no longer the pretty princess type that she use to be. Now once in awhile it came back but for the most part it was dead. She still enjoyed watching mortals fall in love and got excited when it worked but she was not as bad as she was before. She no longer interfered.

At first she thought she would hate not being able to interfere with love on Earth. However she liked it now. It was so much more fun just guiding relationships and nudging instead of using her powers. It was debated able of which of the three goddesses' was more excited about the wedding. The ones getting married ie Artemis and Athena or the goddess of love ie Aphrodite. The author would not make a bet either way for the record.

Now one thing that everyone could expect was for Percy to be nervous. They would not be disappointed by that hope or expectation. Scarlet was laughing at her dad's nervousness.

"Dad you faced monsters, Titans, angry gods, and other scary things yet you are scared to get married." Scarlet said and stared to laugh once more.

"I am allowed to be nervous Scarlet it is my wedding day after all." Percy said.

"I know daddy but I am allow to pick on you. I am your daughter after all." Scarlet said and it cause Percy to smile.

"You know she is right dude." Nico said. The group then went to the temple were the wedding was going to be performed. Nico was the best man. Ares, Grover and Norm would be the groomsmen. Scarlet was going to be the flower girl even if she was too old to be one at least she thought that. Annabeth was the maid of honor for her mother and Thaila was the same for her mother. Aphrodite was a bridesmaid for her sisters as well as Hestia.

This was all expected the thing the surprised everyone was Hera. She had volunteered to marry them. Actually Percy thought about it Hera's offer did not surprise him. Nine months after he had become the King of the Gods an interesting event happened.


It was another big council meeting and it had ended with no fights. Hera stepped up and asked for a chance to speak. Percy nodded to the request.

"Everyone I wish to say I am sorry for my actions. My actions are and were unforgivable. I do not know how to make amends. I want to make amends for my actions. "She took a pause to gather her courage to speak the rest of the words.

"Since Zeus's death I have felt free. I feel different." Hera finished up. Not many in fact it looked like no one believed her.

"Hera please look me in the eyes and say you are sorry and wish to start over." Percy said calmly. Athena and Artemis wondered what there boyfriend was doing but they both figured he had a plan that only made sense to him and no one else. So Hera did.

"Ok I believe you. I have heard that you were once a kind and caring Goddess. I am glad to see she is back once more." Percy said. After hearing this, the other Gods started to forgive her. For some it would not be easy but that was ok with them. Later that night Percy thanked Athena and she asked what for.

"For advising that I do nothing to Hera and let her be." Percy said.

"I figured you could change her and make her who she was. She was not always mean to us she use to be a nicer Goddess. I figured you could bring her out again." Athena said.

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