It's nothing

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Jenna pov

"Sooo what do you want to do" I ask her holding the TV remote "I don't know what do you want to do" she asks back to me "I don't know" I stand up and start to walk to the kitchen "do you want to make popcorn" I turn around to look at her "sure" she smiles she stands up and follows me to the kitchen I pick up one of those popcorn packet thing I hand it to y/n so she can put it in the microwave "thanks" she put it in the microwave and pressed some buttons she turns around to face me I look into her e/c eyes I feel a flash of heat on my cheeks fuck I'm blushing I turn my head a bit so she can't see me blushing

Tw sh you can skip this I will say when it ends
When I turn my head I see y/ns arm she has cuts around her wrist they look fresh like she did it today is she cutting herself "y/n?" I say her name concerned "yea" she says back to me confused "why are there cuts on your arm" I point to her arm "w-wha- oh that's nothing" she moves her arm so I can't see them "you sure" i ask her does she think I'm dumb I know it's something "yea" beep beep the microwave goes off she opens the microwave and takes the popcorn out and grabs a bowl "ok" I say back to her We are sitting down watching a movie but all I can think about is her cuts I can't believe she would do that to her stuff or maybe she didn't
The end of sh
the front door opens and I see this short like really short shorter then me girl it's probably her little sister "PUPPY" her sister yells to her "I told you to stop calling me that" y/n says back to her "blah" her little sister says to her in a silly tone "what do you want" y/n asks mila "I want to play with you with my baby's" she holds up a baby with marker on its face "I'm hanging out with my friend" friend she called me a friend I feel my cheeks go red "but I want to PLAYYYYYYYYYY" she yells play a little "no" y/n mumbles to mila "fine poop head" she sticks her tongue out y/n rolls her eyes are "sorry about mila" y/n apologizes to me "it's fine....really" I smile to her "ok" she smiles back to me she plays the movie
Time skip after movie
"That was a good movie" y/n says with a small smile on her face "yea it was" I say back to her with a bigger smile then y/n "I should probably start getting home" I wish I could stay here forever but I'm mom would literally beat me "oh yea" her smile fades away "well I see you tomorrow..... at school"
I stand up and grab my bag and start to walk to the door I turn around to see y/n right behind me "bye" she says with a smile "bye" I say back to her with the same smile I turn around and leaves I miss her already I knew her for like a week but it feels like I knew her for years

A/n sorry for a short chapter I'm still busy with stuff and it's almost school and I'm just stressed about school but I hope you have a fabulous day/night stay safe!!!! Love you byeee❤️

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