"Nope"-He said feeling all over me

"Stop I'm painting you know"-I said sitting back on the bed

"Yeah I see, you are a creep painting me while I was sleeping"-Chris

"So you sleep like a big baby and the fact you were drooling is adorable"-Olivia

"Nah I sleep like a grown ass man and well now we can swap spit on the same pillow when I'm gone."-Chris

"You get on my nerves sometimes"-Olivia

"Yeah that's how it's supposed to be but go somewhere with me."-Chris

"I can't, what if someone else is out there to get me and I'll be devastated if they harm you too"-I said panicking 

"You don't have to worry about any of that because I'm your protection, who would be stupid enough to cross me? Trust me, ain't nobody laying another fucking hand on you with me around. So get dressed I want you to meet somebody important to me."-He said kissing me

"Okay I trust you."-I said smiling in the kiss

"Don't you put on them granny panties."-He said laughing

"Now you just killed a good vibe, mood killer"-I said walking into my closet

I didn't know what to wear because I started sweating bad thinking that this important person might be his mom and what if I don't give a good impression of myself? What if she doesn't like me? What if it's one of his kids and they don't like me? 

"Ugh"-I said yelling

"What's wrong with you?"-Chris said walking into my closet

"Who am I going to meet because I don't want to make a bad impression by dressing inappropriately?"-Olivia

"Li calm down, you made the best impression on me soon as you walked out of your car besides my mom said you're beautiful."-He said kissing my forehead

"How does she know that?"-I asked curious

"I showed her the picture I took of you"-He said scratching his head

"But I'm the creep, okay, okay. I'll find something."-I said going deeper into the closet

I grabbed my chocolate brown dress with the crisscross strap in the back and my brown heels with a white bag that had a silver strap to it and put on my silver watch, I was putting on lip liner with my brown gloss and covered my scars with makeup when I felt something cold go around my neck. I looked up to see Chris putting a heart shaped necklace on me.

"This is beautiful"-I said in awe

"Something I brought with the matching necklaces but wanted to save it for a special occasion."-He said closing the clasp

"Thank you"-I said smiling

"You look beautiful by the way, this dress hugging all of them curves too"-He said hugging me from behind

"Thank you, I think we look good together"-I said blushing

"We do though I said that when I saw our reflection in the window, the first time you let me come to your crib"-Chris

"I'm ready"-I said more to myself but out loud

"Legoo"-He said grabbing my hand

We walked out the closet to the elevator but I hesitated for a minute then remembered that we can go straight to the parking garage so nobody would see us together. I put the new code in and we got on the elevator then the doors closed.

"I knew ya sneaky ass put a new code in to stop me from leaving when ya brother left"-Chris

"Hey can't blame me when I was trying to explain myself."-I said shrugging

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