⍋ Twenty-Two ⍒

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Harry and Draco opened the door to their small home, a soft yet sad smile on their faces as they bared the loss of a family member. Harry took it harder, of course.

He turned around to face the ravenette. "Do you think..it's okay if you don't want to do it right now, but..do you think we could get rid of the mark now?"

Harry smiled. "Of course. We should probably do it in the infirmary if our past occurrences are anything to go by."

Draco nodded solemnly as they walked toward the make-shift room. Once they had finally settled down, Harry grabbed his hand as he hummed to himself. Draco felt the power of the bond snapping into place and he shut his eyes, focusing on the cold feeling seeping into him. It felt..refreshing.

They both watched with wide eyes as the mark hissed and boiled but it wasn't hurting him, the patch of skin, once the mark had disappeared, was in perfect shape and he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. Tears sprung to his eyes as he leaned into the other's side, Harry pulling him into a tight embrace. "We did it." The man whispered into his hair as he kissed it lightly.

A few weeks had passed by now and Molly had been checking up on her adopted son regurlary. Draco couldn't deny that he appreciated it as he had been worried about Harry himself.

Currently, they walked through the halls of the ministry toward Kingsley Shacklebolt's office. He had sent them an owl, asking to meet up. Draco found himself fidgety. This was probably to solidify the fact that he was a death eater and register him into Azkaban.

Harry knocked on the glass door as Kingsley moved away the papers he had been dutifully looking at. "Ah, Harry! Nice to see you! And Mr. Malfoy, you as well."

Draco nodded. "Can we make this quick, Mr. Shacklebolt?"

He nodded as he smiled widely at them. Although it was meant to be warm, the blonde felt himself shudder. "I have called both of you as I've been told that you are an item." He paused as they both nodded, blushing. "And that your blind connection was what defeated Voldemort himself." Again, they nodded.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Ah, Mr. Potter. Well, I was thinking about commemorating people's efforts in the war and I thought about Mr. Malfoy, here. He worked as a spy for many months and then switched over to your side."

Harry nodded as he beamed at his boyfriend. "That's great but I might have to ask one favor of you."

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"If Ron and Hermione could be commemorated as well. We would've gotten nowhere without their help and they sacrificed so much."

Kingsley nodded as he smiled. "Noted. You may leave now, and thank you for coming."

A few months had passed now since they had saved the wizarding world. Harry sat in the corner of their living room, studying for their auror exams. He had been offered a position along with Ron but they had both agreed that they would study and take the exam like everybody else. Kingsley had shaken his head at their antics but allowed it.

Meanwhile, Draco started volunteering in the healing centers to help with war patients and thus, had ended up loving it. The feel of getting to help someone other than himself, of seeing young kids smile at his face. Everything about it and it also allowed them a steady income. He had been thinking about asking Harry to get another place. Of course, as a summer vacation spot.

Draco let his nails trace patterns in the couch. "Seriously, love, you need to stop studying so hard."

Harry turned to face him, sighing and shutting the book. "Alright then. What do you suppose we do?"

As soon as he saw the smirk plastered on the pale man's face, he regretted his words. "Do we have to?" He teased.

"Not if you don't want to but..we did survive a war and, you know, I've always wondered what it was like to sleep with the savior of the wizarding world." He stood up from the couch and walked over, settling on the other's lap as he lazily kissed him. "What do you say?"

"Less talking, more doing."

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