Character Descriptions + Other Notes

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Hallie Thomson:
•She/Her pronouns
•Lesbian and cisgender
•Medium length and straight white hair
•Red tinted eyes
•Teenager, exact age changes
•Average height and a toned figure
•Family members: George Thomson (dad)

Macy Alexander:
•She/Her pronouns
•Polysexual and cisgender
•Mixed race (Native American and Caucasian)
•Long and wavy auburn hair
•Brown eyes
•Teenager, exact age changes
•Tall and plus-sized
•Family members: Jess Alexander (mom), Ryan Alexander (dad), Jordan Alexander (older brother)
•Other: Has ADHD

River Turner:
•They/them pronouns
•Casssexual and non-binary
•African American
•Short and curly dark brown hair
•Dark green eyes
•Teenager, exact age changes
•Tall and average sized
•Family members: Tiffany Turner (mom), Jeremy Turner (younger brother)

Adam Garcia:
•He/him pronouns
•Greyromantic and cisgender
•Short and slightly curly brown hair
•Brown eyes
•Teenager, exact age changes
•Short and thin
•Family members: Anthony Garcia (dad), Laura Garcia (mom), Amber Garcia (older sister), Carlos Garcia (older brother), Megan Garcia (younger sister)
•Other: Has POTS

If these characters sound familiar to you, that would be because this series is a written adaptation of my Gacha-trend series called The Story of the Toys. For each chapter, I will write at the end which part of the original series it's an adaptation of. There will be some differences between them, of course.

It will take me a while to get each part released. I have not written like this in a long time, plus writing just generally takes up time, especially when I also have school, a small job, and a YouTube channel to keep up with. And I tend to write out of order. Basically just be patient lol

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