I wished I knew exactly what he was talking about... I wished I knew exactly what he was.

            Come to me, Melissa, he called. Come to me in my woods... I will tell all and your mother never has to know. He promised me. I could almost feel his strong hand delicately placed on my shoulder to sooth me. As I opened my eyes to jump off the bed and grab my coat, I saw him standing in front of me.

            “I was goin-”

            “I know,” he said with a smile, taking a seat on my bed. He patted next to him, and I obeyed, sitting next to him.

            “What do you...” I paused for a very long time. Elijah patiently waited, acting as though time was standing still. “Want with me?” I finally finished.

            “Oh, Melissa, you must be absolutely terrified,” he stated smoothly, placing a hand on my thigh, as if that was supposed to make everything all better.

            He continued, “Want with you? Melissa, I don't want anything with you. Search your heart, you know I'm not a creep.”

            “Do I?” I asked, beginning to doubt my innermost feelings. What did I know about Elijah? He was an enigma.

            “You do. You just need a little reassuring. Perhaps my side of the story will help.”

            “Yes, please tell me your side,” I breathed out. Relief washed over me as I realized someone was willing to talk to me about what clearly revolved around me.

            “Well,” Elijah hesitated. The gut ball returned to my stomach... was I ever going to find out about my own life? I had a right to know! I deserved to know. I wasn't an innocent little kid anymore; I was fully capable of understanding.

            “I can't tell you,” he breathed out in a huff. I bit the inside of my cheek and wondered if yelling would do any good.

            He said, “but, I can show you.”

            “Show me?”

            “If you'll let me, that is,” he looked deep into my eyes – as if searching my inner-self for an answer. I nodded subconsciously. He placed his hand against my cheek, moving his thumb slightly. He whispered, “close your eyes and trust me.” I obeyed.

            Instantly, I was transformed – I could see a different world... an older world tinged with sepia as the colors adjusted to normal around me. I felt my heartbeat regulate and my breathing slowly begin. I watched as a very young image of my mother walked up to a house with a boy... my father?... open the screen door to the porch, and sit down on the swinging bench.

            “Are you sure you're ready for this?” He asked. My mother nodded and they began kissing. It went on for a while until they retired inside the house, not taking a genius to figure out where it all led.

            Images of myself flashed in my mind – images of being created, being inside my mother's belly, growing up, I even caught tiny glimpses of the future. When the sideshow stopped, I was sitting by a lake... though the reflection wasn't me – it was Elijah.

            There was a sudden jerk, and then I was on my own... watching from a 3rd eye that didn't even really exist. Another jerk and I was back in my bedroom, Elijah sitting next to me.

            “Please, you must trust me,” he said, looking back into my eyes. I looked away.

            “Was I just you?”

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