This is going to wreck Alex... I don't know how he'll cope... then again, I still don't know how I'll cope. Part of me wants to keep this from him, but I know that's wrong. I have to tell him... I'll tell him tonight, when we're alone in our room. He's gone right now with Krissy. They're driving to his uncle's who supposedly has a keg he'll sell us.

        The day after that:

            I didn't tell him last night... he ended up getting drunk and it didn't feel like it was the right time to tell him. I didn't drink... I couldn't do anything that could possibly harm my child. Everybody but Misty gave me shit about it, but it was worth it. I love my child already... I'm so attached to it. I mean, it's actually growing inside my body.

      Alex is hung-over... we're hoping a quick dip in the lake will be enough to get over it. I'll tell him tonight, for sure.

        Later that day:

        Well, I told him... but, it wasn't how I expected it to go. In fact, all of the events that took place today were unexpected, and I suspect some of them to be a figment of my imagination.

      I'm not sure where to start, so I'm going to write slowly and jot down every single thing I remember happening.

      We were down by the lake, laughing and having a great time. I was the only sober one... I considered doing some weed because I've known girls who were pregnant and did that, but I decided against it. I want to be completely drug-free for my baby.

      I'm a pretty good swimmer, so I decided to dive from this rock that was really high up. Half way down, I had the weirdest thought... the most peculiar feeling that I shouldn't have done that. “My future has changed.” The thought hurtled through my head as I hit the water with a hard, yet elegant, splash.

      The world under the water was different... everything was dark and murky when it shouldn't have been... I mean, I hadn't stirred the water that much. Nevertheless, I loved it down there. The water felt so good... the strange silence of the water filled my ears as I felt a wave vibrate throughout my body. I never wanted to resurface... though, that feeling would soon change.

      After I couldn't hold my breath any longer, I slowly made my way to the surface of the water. I was jerked back just below it... I could feel something... someone?... tugging at my ankle. I pulled my foot back, shaking it around, trying to kick it... him?... in the face. My hands flailed above me, my fingertips grasping at the cool air above the water. I let out what was left of my breath and desperately tried to make my neck longer. I barely made it above the water, sucking in a deep breath that consisted of half-air half-water.

      I looked down at my ankle, but the water was too murky to make out what was holding me back.

      “Help!” I called out; though I'm sure my friends only heard a quick shout as the current splashed against me, filling my mouth with water. My lungs couldn't take it... I was starting to choke... I was being suffocated. I thrashed about in the water, unable to get free. I could only hope one of my friends would notice me. I'd been quiet – much too quiet – about diving off of that rock.

      “Please help me!” I thought, trying to send out a telepathic message to Alex.

      “I can help you,” a calm and soothing voice came from inside my head. I shook my head... I was hearing things... my vision was slowly fading as I gulped down more water in a pitiful attempt to get air.

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