“The alarm system is all hooked up... if you leave, or if anyone decides to drop by, I will know. You are to see no one, especially Elijah.” And with that, she left my room and I closed my eyes to catch a few more winks.

            I rolled over to glance at my clock. 12:23. I stretched, my body reaching for a new reality... I didn't escape. I stared at my ceiling for a couple minutes. I didn't want to get out of bed, even though I knew I should. Star was still sleeping soundly beside me. I pulled her closer and whispered that I loved her. I wondered what my mother would say to me about her when she got home from work.

            The phone on my bedside table rang, making me jump. I picked it up and held it to my ear for a second.


            “Good, you answered. Are you up?”

            “Yeah,” I lied. “I've been up for a while... ate a pop-tart for breakfast and now I'm looking for lunch.”

            “Good,” my mother replied... I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

            “Well,  I'll call again soon, so don't even think about going anywhere!” she barked.

            “Okay, mom,” I replied, resting the phone against my forehead as she said something else.

            “Sure thing,” I said absentmindedly.

            “Alright, sweetheart, I have to go,” she said suddenly, as if her boss had caught her on the phone.


            “I love you,” my mom said. I hung up the phone.

            I knew it was harsh... probably too harsh. And, I knew I would regret it. But, at that moment, it made me feel good. Maybe she would think about her actions and how hurtful they were.

            I forced myself out of bed... really it was only because I had to pee. If it'd not been for that, I probably would have stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Not one part of me wanted to face the world. To be honest, I was grateful my mother had called me in sick. I didn't think I could function in a social situation... or any situation that required me to interact with anyone...  other than Elijah maybe. I wished I could see him. He would make me feel better... comfort me. He would never betray you, the voice inside my head promised. I smiled at that comment because I knew it was true.

            The hardwood floor upstairs was cold, and I suddenly wished I'd put on my slippers before walking up the stairs. I ignored the cold and made my way into the kitchen to start some coffee. Just as I pushed the on button, the phone rang again. I picked it up, rolling my eyes.

            “Mom, I'm still here. Seriously, it's not even been five minutes,” I said, gritting my teeth. Did she seriously not trust me this much?

            “Mel, it's Bentley,” the voice on the other line said. I sighed, silently cursing myself for not checking the caller I.D.

            “Bentley, we're over and done with... I don't ever want to see you again!” I screamed into the phone, hanging it up. I watched the coffee slowly drip into the pot as the phone rang several times in the background. About the fifth time he called, I answered.

            “Would you stop fucking calling me? I'm about to block you and call the police!” I threatened... it was an empty threat. To be honest, I felt flattered he would call so many times just to talk to me.

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