Chapter 5 Present Day

Start from the beginning

"I never intended to be away from you for this long."

"What's Mark and Josh's excuse?"

He paused, glancing up at me with an expression I couldn't read. We held gazes, my question being forgotten when the front door slammed open, Beth tumbling her way in with arms full of paper bags.

"Jesus H. Christ, it's colder than Satan's twat outside!"

I rushed down the hall to help her and just in time, too. One of the bags fell from her grasp as she tried to shut the door with her foot and a smaller paper bag with croissants spilled out.

"God, I love you," I praised her and picked them up, inhaling their wonderful just-baked scent. Clutching them possessively to my chest, the warmth through the paper bag increased the chances of my drooling over them.

"Keep it in your pants, hussy, and help me with the rest."

"How much did you bring?" I laughed as I tried to grab another bag of baked goods before they fell.

She juggled the remaining bags, regaining control as she turned and yelled out the door. "Enough to feed those two useless jackasses!" Joshua and Mark were at her car, unloading more bags. She grinned as she faced me. "And apparently the very fine-looking jackass standing behind you, too."

Noah had casually made his way down the hall, taking all the bags from Beth without saying anything but giving her a wink. She blew him a kiss. "How are your balls, Noah? Still blue?"

I elbowed her and held open the door for Mark and Joshua as they came up the front steps with enough liquor and beer for a small country. "Is this my surprise? You're going to get me drunk?"

"Silly girl, the boys are your surprise. I wanted the gang to hang out for a little while." She draped an arm around my shoulders and rested her head on mine. "Share stupid stories about Riley, give him a proper memorial service. Getting you drunk is just icing on the cake."

She pulled me in the opposite direction when Mark and Joshua entered, presumably to avoid a confrontation since I was glaring at them. Joshua tried to give me a smile and come over to us but Mark gave his head one shake and motioned to the kitchen.

"Give her space," Mark ordered. He turned his broad back to us, stomping to the kitchen.

Joshua hesitated. "I'm so sorry, Regan."

His voice was soft with emotion. His normally bright blue eyes were dim and I knew he meant that apology sincerely. My shoulders sagged, my heart breaking a little.

"Joshua!" Mark called from the kitchen.

"Layoff it you asshole!" He called back and my lips twitched with a smile. As soon as he saw it, Joshua dropped the bags he was carrying and in one stride had me enveloped in his arms. I desperately hugged him back, not caring that I was still pissed as hell at him. He was so warm and strong, it was like finding home after being lost for years.

With a kiss on my forehead, he pulled away and grabbed the bags. "I will tell you everything you want to know. No secrets, no lies. But can we just have tonight to enjoy?"

I nodded and felt Beth reach out and take my hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. As soon as Joshua was out of sight, I turned to her with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you. You're the best."

She shrugged like it was no big deal. "I know you all have a lot to talk about. Forced proximity and alcohol seemed like a way to help. I didn't invite the Rich Bitch, though." She looked down at me, frowning. "Did you ask him to come over?"

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