Chapter 4

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The first thing that registered was that the room was bare except for a lopsided mahogany desk and two old metal folding chairs. Behind the desk sat a man who one could only guess at his age.

He was dressed as crisp as one could while facing the probable end of humanity in a polo shirt, a pair of what looked to be new blue jeans, and clean running sneakers. Mystery Man was Chris's father. It would have taken an idiot to think otherwise. Every facial feature looked like it had been copied and pasted onto his son, and most likely the personality as well. He stood and gave a warm smile.

Hmm...maybe thinking he was a stuck up jerkface was a little bit overboard, Olivia thought.

Still smiling, he gestured to the rusting chair in front of the desk.

"Sit child, sit," he said, his deep voice filling the room.

Olivia raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why," she asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Have it your way then," Chris's father said with a shrug," It doesn't impact me, I can wait."

I take that back. He is a stuck up jerkface after all, Olivia thought sourly.

Jerkface Sr. lowered himself onto the chair on his side and sat there in silence until Olivia folded her legs and sat down on the floor giving him a look that clearly meant, I dare you to say something.

"I know you may be wondering who I am. Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am the head of this underground refuge, Aidan Jacobs. For the duration of your time here you will refer to me as Mr. Jacobs. Is all understood," he asks after he finishes.

"But calling you Jerkface Sr. was getting fun," Olivia muttered dejectedly, being just quiet enough so that Jerkface Sr. knew she said something but didn't know what.

"I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that. What did you say," Jerkface Sr. asks, something similar to annoyance creeping into his voice.

"Oh nothing," Olivia said as she snickered.

"Anyhow, back to the situation at hand. I believe there is a piece of information you need to share with me," Jerkface Sr. remarks.

"And what might that be, kind sir," Olivia said, mimicking his speech.

"Your name," Jerkface Sr. replies, smiling coldly.

Olivia's instincts scream at her to not give him her real name. "Arianna Wilmington," she replied, saying of the name of the girl who dumped pudding on her head back when she
was in 2nd grade.

"Arianna...a beautiful name. Very well Arianna, go introduce yourself to the rest of your unit," Jerkface Sr. said, waving Olivia of with a lazy flick of his wrist.

This catches Olivia's attention. "Unit," she questioned," What unit?"

Aidan Jacobs smiled coldly and said," Right outside."

Olivia's jaw dropped. Makayla she could definitely work with and seeing how similar he was to Makayla, she didn't see David as a problem either. But Chris? There was the problem. She had a feeling that Chris wouldn't know how to be cooperative if it came up and smacked him across the face.

"Why," she shouted without thinking. "Why Chris's unit?"

Jerkface Sr. lifted both eyebrows, seemingly amused. "Because their 4th member died saving you and the least you can do to start to pay of that debt is working with the group. Units cannot be allowed on missions unless there is four members. No more, no less," he replied before opening the door, shoving her through, and closing it again without letting her get a response through her mouth.

Yep, still a gigantic jerkface, Olivia thought, smiling despite being forced to work with Chris.

Olivia was once again surrounded by the four people she had just learned she was working with. "Hey guess what? I'm your new unit member. Yay," she said, sarcasm dripping off the yay.

Chris's green eyes turn angry and he turns on a heel and exits the room, leaving a happy Olivia behind.

"What did I say," Olivia asks with fake innocence.

Maybe working with Chris isn't too bad if I get to make him angry daily, Olivia thought as she sat down on the pitiful couch and drifted into a troubled sleep.

Bada-boom, bada-bing, lookie here, another chapter. As funny as it would be to my brother for me to mess up majorly and be embarrassed in front my precious readers, I don't THINK I messed up. I hope not...if I did, I beg you to tell me. Anywho, same as always- try to update soon but I make no promises.

Until next time,

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