Chapter 3

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Olivia's first thought was that it had all been a crazy dream- the Dragal, the chase, David and Makayla and the Grim War in general. I'm home, she thought, smiling to herself. She squinted through the bright light above her and tried to sit up. Pain racked her body, robbing her of her breath.

"Bad idea," she said, groaning as she lowered herself back on the bed. Then it dawned on her."I'm hurt which wasn't a dream," she said, a scowl forming as she let that sink in.

"So, Sleeping Beauty has decided to grace us with her presence," exclaimed a voice that she remembered belonged to Makayla.

Olivia turned her head in an attempt to see one half of the couple that she guessed had brought her here. Makayla was a woman who appeared to be only in her mid-twenties and capped with a mane of unruly black curls. Eyes the color of chestnuts gazed at her from under thin, arched eyebrows. A mouth that rested in a smile and a small and slightly pointy nose complimented the high cheekbones nicely.

Olivia's gaze lingered on the clean forest green t-shirt and beige cargo pants that Makayla held in her hands. A similar pair of clothes adorned her small figure. Makayla followed Olivia's eyes. If possible, her smile widened. She tossed the bundle to Olivia then turned on her heel and walked into the far corner.

Olivia had started to unfold the clothes when Makayla added,"There's a knife in there. I'm not supposed to give you any weapons until we are satisfied that you don't mean us harm but I figured it might make you feel safer."

Olivia nodded in thanks and heaved herself up off the bed so she could get changed. She winced at the pain as she slipped out of her worn, torn, and baggy blue jeans and dirty sweatshirt and pulled on the loose cargo pants and soft t-shirt. She felt around in the pockets of the pants for the knife Makayla had said she put with the clothes. She found the leather grip in a pocket near her thigh. She drew out the knife from its sheath and held it to the light. The scratched blade gleamed dully in the artificial lighting and she felt her face spread in a rueful smile. It could be worse, she thought, I could be unarmed. After a moment, she slid the knife back into the sheath in the thigh pocket of the cargo pants.

"You can turn around now," Olivia said quietly.

Makayla turned around, leaning her weight on the wall. "Ready to go see the big man," she asked.

Olivia nodded.

Makayla opened the door with a flourish and gestured for Olivia to go first. Olivia crossed the room, her arms folded over her chest. She exited the room and entered into a dark, bare hallway.

She heard Makayla switch off the lights and she heard the door close with a echoing click. Makayla joined Olivia and started down the hall. The pair's footsteps bounced off the walls, overlapping with their breathing that seemed unnaturally loud.

Makayla pulled ahead and took a pair of rusting iron keys from one of the many pockets of her pants. She inserted a key that was slightly smaller than the other into a padlock that clearly was older than the door it was guarding. The lock opened with a solemn click and the door swung backward into a sparsely furnished room.

Makayla closed the door softly behind them. On a worn couch sat two men. The first was a young man who looked in his mid twenties, like Makayla. Olivia suspected this was David. He had dark brown hair, baby blue eyes, freckles, and a smile that she could tell had made Makayla fall for him. He lowered his head in defeat and his hair covered one eye as he did so. He wore a bright neon green t-shirt, printed with the words My girlfriend is my best friend, and baggy blue jeans. He had olive skin to go with his freckles.

The other man was the one that drew her gaze. He looked to be slightly younger than the one she guessed was David, perhaps in his late teens. Black hair that stood up in every direction topped a light tan, a nose that looked to had been broken more than once, and captivating green eyes. David cast a glance near the door and nudged the green eyed man. The men stood and crossed the room. David made a beeline for Makayla and gave her a peck on the lips before twining his fingers with hers. The green-eyed man stopped in front of Olivia.

No one moved, no one spoke. Finally, Makayla broke the silence.

"I don't think we have introduced ourselves properly. I'm Makayla," she said gesturing to herself. "This is David and that rascal is Chris," she pointed at David then jabbed a thumb in Chris's (Please tell me if I got the grammar wrong on that one. I can never remember if it's Chris' or Chris's...) general direction.

Chris gave a lifeless smile. "My father will want to meet the girl that meant the death of one of our best fighters," he said coldly. He ushered her toward the door nestled in the wall on the far side of the room. She rested her hand on the handle before pushing down and out. The door swung open with the creak of rusty hinges.

Hey guys, it's me again. I told you I would try and update soon! Tell me what you guys think in the comments. Oh, and don't forget the little star. It makes an author happy when that star gets clicked you know. Anywho, same as last time. I will try to update soon but I make no promises!

Until next time,

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