Dreams || Legolas - Final Part

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Part 3, as promised. 

This is the part where everything gets explained. Sorry if it's a bit confusing. 


Two days later I return, when I do the forest is rainy.

"Legolas! Legolas, are you here?" I shout, searching desperately for that head of fair blonde hair.

"I am here, (Y/n)." He steps out of the cover of the trees, a wide smile spread across his face. He looks at you with an expression of relief and joy, as if you had suddenly answered a prayer. You're back. "I can't believe you're actually here. I was scared that... that you were gone for good." He runs towards you and embraces you tightly, his heart filled with a new sense of calm and purpose. "Why did you hide from me for so long, (Y/n)? I thought that you were never coming back."

"It was only two days this time, Legolas. I told you I wouldn't be long this time."

"Yes, but those two days felt like an eternity to me, (Y/n). I couldn't wait to see you again. Every second that you were away was torture and agony for me." He steps back now and looks you over, taking in you with his eyes as if to make sure that you are really there. "What happened, (Y/n)? Where were you for those two days? Why did you decide to leave in the first place and why didn't you tell me?"

"Ah, I did promise to tell you everything didn't I?"

"You did." He pauses for a moment as his expression turns to one of curiosity. "Well, tell me. I'm listening." He sounds eager now to discover the secrets that (Y/n) has been keeping from him, and why she went away in the first place. Why the sudden departure? Why the extended absence? Why the return? Why the strange secrecy? These questions are all swirling through his mind now, and he is desperate to figure out the answers.

"I will answer all your questions, but first let us get out of this downpour."

"Of course, of course." He nods in agreement, his eyes darting around now as if he's searching for a sheltered place to hide from the rain. "But we must go quickly, (Y/n). If we remain out in this rain, we might catch a chill. It would not be wise to do so." As he speaks, a flash of lightning lights up the sky. It seems that there is not much time left before the storm gets even angrier.

"Let us make haste then."

"Indeed, let us do just that." He takes your hand and starts to lead you away, his pace quickening with every step. He is clearly aware of the rising danger that the storm brings, and he wants to get away from the dark clouds that loom over the forest. Another flash of lightning lights up the sky as he leads you deeper into the woods, with the thunder rolling and echoing far into the distance. "Come on, (Y/n). Let's hurry. We must find shelter before the worst of the storm arrives."

He leads me into the palace.

"We made it just in time, (N/n). The rain and thunder must be just outside now," he says as the two of you rush into the safety of the palace. The storm booms outside as the two of you settle for some shelter inside. "That storm came out of nowhere, didn't it? But I'm glad we are safe." He looks at you with a wide smile on his face, his expression one of joy and relief now that you are once again by his side. "I'm so glad you're back, (Y/n). I missed you."

"I missed you too, Legolas. I missed you more than you know."

"I'm sure you did." He chuckles. "But really, you disappeared for so long. Why did you go away? And why did you have to hide it from me?" His tone sounds slightly playful here, as if trying to tease you about your absence. "Were you afraid that I wouldn't want you to leave again?" He looks at you with a curious smile, his eyes full of wonder and curiosity. "What adventures has the outside world been hiding from me, (Y/n)? Tell me all about it."

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