Chapter 2

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We get unpacked in the nurses corners.we get our own beds and a nightstand similar to the soldiers.

The house is made of dirt and metal which sparks an interest about how sturdy and strong the dirt is. I unpack and as I do carter come in him and Diane want to explore before we have actual orders tomorrow. They go but I don't think there gonna do much exploring.

I decide to do the same. I put on some boots and walk around the sandy roads. As I do there Is kids playing outside with a raggedy and deflated soccer ball they roll it my way and look at me in pure terror. I'm confused why but as I'm about to roll it back a voice stops me. "Do not roll it back" it says and frightens me. I jump and turn around and it's Aiden. I look him dead in his eye and kick it back. He looks angry but I don't care. The kids run away once they get there ball back.

I finally know why there so scared. All the soldiers are in full gear guns and everything. "We don't fraternize with the enemy" Aiden spits and it shocks me. "Enemy those are children!" I say back terrified  about what he just said "and there not enemy's either way,
were here to protect them not hurt them so put the gun away." I scoff "do you think that they really have us out here to protect them,they have us out here to make sure there not up to anything, protection just comes with it" he says "why are you even near me" I retort and he rolls his eyes "don't get mad at the truth darling" he says and I ignore him walking away.

He follows me "you know they said if you wanted to walk around you have to walk around with someone" he says and I scoff "so why were you walking by yourself?" I ask in a retortion "you's different" he says
"How?" I say and after a second when he doesn't respond i say
"Cause im a Girl?" I say.
"Yes exactly glad we're on the same page" he responds. Is he serious! I scoff "whatever I don't need you to walk me around I'm perfectly capabl-" but before I can get the word out I fall face first onto the dirt road like a dummy in front of him he starts laughing and I quickly stand up "Shutup" I mumble "what was that shorty?" He chuckles. I brush myself off and start walking.

I hear boots shuffle behind me so I look behind me. "Are you following me?" I ask him who is now standing about 2 feet away. "Yes." He says assured of himself "well..don't" I scoff and keep walking. I then again hear the sound of boats shuffling behind me. "Oh my god stop!" I say turning around and flaring my arms "oh my god stop!" He mocks with mocking hand motions to top it off. "Calm down princess I'm just walking the same way as you" he says and continues walking I scoff again and catch up to him.

"Why are you like obsessed with me" I say "obsessed with you yeah right don't flatter yourself love" he says
"No I'm serious" I reply
"You visit the nurse tent to see me"
"I visit the nurse tent because I'm hurt as one does when they are hurt" he says
"You follow me around"
"Well from this perspective it looks like your following me" he stops and I come to an abrupt one as to keep up with his tall figure I was speed walking

"you really cocky aren't?" He ask me "I could ask you the same thing" I say "whatever" we both say and I roll my eyes."just stay away from me ok?" I say "fine by me" he says but as we walk away we both go the same way and I sigh and just walk in front of him.

We separate eventually. Soon it's 6:00 time to go back for dinner since lights out at 7:30. I get to the dinner line and fill up my plate of fish and rice.

I scan the lunch room to find Diane and she sitting down with her boyfriend and a couple other soldiers at a table.

There's one empty seat left across from Diane and in between to soldiers which doesn't bother me. Until I walk over and see who one of the soldiers are. Aiden, fuck.I sigh and walk over putting my tray down and climbing over the seat sitting down.

He immediately recognizes me but I act like I don't see him. "So what have you two been up to?" I say trying to make conversation with Diane even though I probably don't wanna know what they did. "Uhm just...explore" she giggles and her boyfriend chuckles which make me roll my eyes. Not at her,her boyfriend something about him just pisses me off and they both know that. "What did you do today,mili?" Diane ask me "be an ass" Aiden mumbles next to me.

I turn to him "what was that?" I say raising my eyebrow. "What. I don't know wha your talking about" he says mockingly but I roll my eyes. "I did the same as you just explore" I say in reply with a smile and start eating my rice.

Then a piece of fish gets took off my plate. I look up quickly to see Aiden eating my fish. "What the hell!" I yell to him "I was hungry" he shrugs. I hit him "don't touch my food asshole" I say as I punch him in his side repeatedly. "Ok ok I'm sorry" he says and I stop. I look over to Diane and she raises her eyebrow and gives me a familiar look. "Don't even think about it" I warn as I know what she was about to ask. She was about to ask if there was anything going on between me and him. Like always.

Its Then 7:20 so we all Head back to our room or house whatever you can call them. Today was eventful but tomorrow is going to be..chaotic.

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