-'♡'- INTERSECTING LINES 2.5 (Rin's version!) TRUE ENDING.

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(Only real ones remember this on tiktok WJSJJA 🙏🙏)

"Ariya, can I ask for some advice?"

Ariya tilts her head at Rin, curious on what he's going to say. Rin seems to be worried, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and a hand on his chin while his free hand is holding his phone.

"Y/N hasn't been texting me that much lately, and whenever I check her status, it's offline. And it's the same on her other social media too," Rin says, visibly concerned as he looks at his phone.

"..Maybe she's busy, or she's going through something right at the moment." Ariya responds, sounding unsure of her answer.

If they were going through something, they would tell me. Rin thought.

"It's probably the 2nd reason. It's best not to bother them, they might prefer some time to themselves, so we must respect their choice. Don't worry too much about it," Ariya adds, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Instead of Rin's face contorting to a smile as always, he just keeps a blank face while being even more concerned.

Y/N, I hope you're okay.

That day after, Rin was shopping with his girlfriend, looking through sections. To be honest, he was a bit bored, but he didn't know why. As they walked around, his eyes landed on a specific product. His feet lead him there, and he looks at the sign.

"They're having a sale on perfumes again..."
"Hey Y/N, what would you thi-"

He turns around instinctively, only to find no one beside him. Ariya is interested in something else, looking at clothes and even trying them out for herself. Rin lets out a sigh, turning his head back to the sign and the perfumes displayed.

For once, he starts to question everything. Why was he even looking for you in the first place? Ariya said you were going through something, so it was better to leave you be. But he knew that wasn't the case. If you were going through something, you would've immediately told him and sought for his comfort, just like what you did for him. But then, he tried to call you yesterday, but to his surprise, you didn't answer. He even tried to text you on all your social media accounts, yet he didn't get a single reply.

Why does he even care so much?
He's only been thinking about you for the whole 3 weeks even though he was with Ariya, wondering how you were. Those days he hung out with his girlfriend, his mind often drifted off to everything that reminded him of you.

Your favourite food,

Your style of clothing,

Your favourite place in the mall,

Hell, even your type.

He seems to know everything about you, including the things you didn't even know yourself.

The way your smile looks like it's getting brighter because of the sun.

The way you complain about things to him in that annoying tone of voice that he doesn't even find annoying.

The way he only hears the words you speak and his mind doesn't focus on anywhere else but that.

The way his stomach started to swirl whenever you guys would meet up, so he tried so hard to decline your invites. But he gives in anyway.

He misses that.
He misses you.

As his mind was going in circles, he finally came to his senses.

He made a mistake.

"I'm sorry, but let's end this."
Rin says bluntly. Ariya's expression was a mix of shock and confusion. What has gotten into him? Before Ariya could even respond, he already left the store and headed straight to your apartment, not wasting any time. Ariya just stood there in the middle of the store, bewildered. Just like how Rin was when Ariya broke up with him to date a different guy.

He ran and ran, all the way to your apartment to the point that when he arrived, he was basically panting for air. Once he arrived at the building, he wasted no time and went straight to the elevator, knowing exactly where your apartment was. He bolted through the halls to reach your door too, not caring if anyone heard his frantic footsteps.

Please be there.

'Vacant room for sale!'

What the fuck?

He opens the door, and finds everything gone. Except for the two bags from that perfume shop. He hesitates for a moment, but then he opens it.

"Uhm, excuse me sir. But do you know what happened to the person that used to live in the apartment room number ---?" Rin asks the guard as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. The guard turns his head to look at him and gives him a smile, but Rin doesn't feel like smiling back.

"I'm not entirely sure sir, but I heard that they moved out."


"...Thank you."

After a while, Rin then exits the building, feeling defeated. His head spins, feeling lost. What was he gonna do now? He couldn't text nor call you, and he didn't even know where you've gone. So how was he going to fix things?

His head hung low, standing in front of the building and looking at the perfume in his hand. Your favourite perfume.

It was the last yet closest thing he could hold onto as he drowned deep in his regrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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Intersecting Lines. (COMFORT ENDING EDITION) BLUELOCK FANFICTION!Where stories live. Discover now